Degraded boot warning


Jul 27, 2017
I had some problems with my FreeNAS for a while now it seems that the problems originate from my USB stick beeing degraded.

I have attached another one and let Freenas make a mirror copy of it. I then shutdown the system to swap them so I could unplug the faulty one. But after booting I got warnings of degraded boot disk. Looked at the status of boot and saw this. Have I missed something but as I understands it make mirroring disk and removing the faulty one should remove the warnings to, or shouldn't it?.

Is there another way to make a running clone fo my previous boot disk so i can remove the faulty one? I tried to use a seperate disk clone program but it seems that the filesystem is to damaged to get a correct image from so that failed.

Free-Twodisk.PNG Free-Onedisk.PNG
Jan 4, 2014
You most likely pulled out the wrong boot device. I've come across this problem in the past as well. From the second image you supplied, it's clear there is still a good boot device. Try restoring the boot devices back to they were originally and remove the other stick instead.

Once you've restored your boot mirror, you might like to add a serial number label to your sticks. As you've found out, you can't really rely on the device ID to identify the degraded stick.

To do this, cross-reference between the Boot Pool Status screen and the Disks screen and note the serial numbers of your boot devices. Remove one boot device and you'll be able to figure out from the screens which serial number goes with which stick. I found sticking a Dymo label with the last few digits of the serial number to each USB stick aids in the identification of a degraded USB stick.


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