More trouble with plugins after updating from 9.3 to 9.10

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May 29, 2016
I updated to 9.10 and everything seemed fine.

Now I have decided to update plex and at first I got some errors with my mount points so I restarted the jail for plex and did the update again only to get an error messed "some error occurred".

I tried to install a second plex media server plugin to see if a clean one would fix things, this one was called plexmediaserver_2 while the original was plexmediaserver_1. It also would not start.

I ended up removing the plexmediaserver_2 plugin and running on plexmediaserver_1. I had to add a plexmediaserver script entry to my /usr/local/etc/rc.d for the script to be able to start and stop plex and continue updating. It finally worked. and at this point I have plex back online.

However, I now have noticed two major issues:

1) In the Plugin Menu on the right freenas WebUI column when I click on the plexmediaserver dropdown link I get sent to the url for plexmediaserver_2 and not plexmediaserver_1: http://freenas.local./plugins/plexmediaserver/2/edit

This brings back an error page starting with "
OperationalError at /plugins/plexmediaserver/2/edit
no such table: freenas_plexmediaserver"

2) The second issue I now have is, that I can not install any plugins and have them run. There are no startup entries in the rc.d directories. I can't install any plugins and have them work now. Whenever I try to start a plugin I get the same "some error occurred" error. It doesn't matter what plugin it is either, it could be owncloud or plex or syncthing. They all have this problem.

EDIT: It looks like the second issue I have is with DHCP not starting properly on the jail. So I install a new plugin and try to start it and DHCP causes it to crap out with a "some error occurred" message. However, the first issue I have definitely still remains and it is just kinda annoying. What database is the python script for the menu getting the incorrect plexmediaserver_2 name??
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Aug 2, 2014
I updated to 9.10 and everything seemed fine.
EDIT: It looks like the second issue I have is with DHCP not starting properly on the jail. So I install a new plugin and try to start it and DHCP causes it to crap out with a "some error occurred" message. However, the first issue I have definitely still remains and it is just kinda annoying. What database is the python script for the menu getting the incorrect plexmediaserver_2 name??

Try running ifconfig, then getting the name of the interface besides lo (epairSomething), then run dhclient <interfaceName> and see if you get an IP address. Been having the same issue, running pfSense 2.3.1. Work around was to add static entries for the mac addresses of the new jails on pfSense DHCP server, then restart the jails. Issue didn't return after creating the static mapping on pfSense.
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