MiniDLNA not quite working in 9.1.1

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Aug 12, 2012
Perfect.. Sorry for semijacking the thread.. I've stopped looking at my setup as the point of failure now for the pictures issue with XBMC as the PS3 works.. If anybody has devices they've tested with MiniDLNA I'd love to add them to the MiniDLNA compatibility list I put here..


Oct 21, 2013
Thank you for your help. I uninstalled minidnla, reinstalled it following exactly the suggestion made but still no luck. :(
I start wondering if I shoudn't reinstall everything


Oct 21, 2013
Could it be my CIFS that is a problem? I change the permissions on the main storage from the mount point to Windows and after that, no files were indexed.
I start wondering if the permissions provided by Windows for the subfolder do not fit


Oct 21, 2013
It works!!
I am not sure why though. I change the permissions with Windows to have total control and didn't help. I then went with SSH to chmod -R 777 my media folder and... it worked.

I can only think of either a Webgui issue or the fact that I installed / uninstalled several times different plugins may have screwed some permissions. Once again, I want to thank Joe (Mark) and Yatties420.

Now, I have to take on the script from Joe


Old Man
May 28, 2011
Glad you fixed it. That is what I suspected with my second comment on my previous post. Not sure why the GUI didn't fix it, maybe you didn't check recursive? Either way you fixed it which is good.

Now the script is something else. Please read it from beginning to end. If you have a question, ask me in that thread. Keep in mind that MiniDLNA must be your last jail/plugin because these jails do not play like the older ones did. I'm working on a way around it now but making it work properly is difficult. I will update that thread once I have something that works properly. If I were a programmer again, I'd join the wait_on code with the MiniDLNA code and it would be a complete solution, but I really don't understand that language, not yet at least.


Oct 21, 2013

sorry I got busy the whole week-end, my HTPC which I built at the same time as the freenas box decided to stop working correctly. Took me 2 days to figure out that a newly installed software interfered with XBMC.
I tried the script and afterwards I understood what you meant by "Keep in mind that MiniDLNA must be your last jail/plugin" :rolleyes: . I deleted the script for now and everything went back to normal, I have no idea though how to make MiniDLNA the last jail/plugin and as I plan to add a few more plugins, I don't dare playing around with it.
On the other hand, the script worked like a charm so good work!


Old Man
May 28, 2011
I hear you about not wanting to play around with it. I too just want it to work correctly. To have MiniDLNA as your last jail you could first check after a reboot of your FreeNAS system and if dlna_1 jail is listed last, then it's at the right spot. If not then you would have to delete the minidlna plugin which would deleted the dlna_1 jail. I would reboot for good measure and then add the MiniDLNA plugin and now it's the last jail and should stay that way (fingers crossed). If it is the last plugin then the script will not have any plugins following it to mess up.

It's a royal pain and the script worked fine in 8.3.x but in 9.x it doesn't work properly. The developers say they didn't change anything but something changed.

I will eventually figure it out but my ambition comes and goes as my mood changes.


Oct 21, 2013
Hi Joe,

I may not have used the right vocabulary :oops: (not English native, I am French), by "playing around" I meant something between playing and experimenting, which I love. I apologize if I was offending in any way. :(

I tried to uninstall/reinstall but dlna_1 still goes to second position each time (I have 4 plug-ins for now).

As for the ambition, you did a great job, you deserve to rest and I can relate, new to Linux (or FreeBSD), I've just built 2 boxes and I am killing myself with them.


Old Man
May 28, 2011
You did not offend me in any way. Now I'm curious if the plugins are loaded alphabetically. I only use the MiniDLNA plugin since my only purpose for my FreeNAS machine is to backup my computers and serve up media.

Also, I have played with the Plex Media Server, it isn't bad either for me but I have a very fast computer system my FreeNAS is running on and Plex just isn't for everyone so I keep working on MiniDLNA which requires very little CPU horsepower, well when I am not mad at myself for not understanding how Kqueue works and how to replace inotify with it. It's a learning process and if I were young again where I didn't have family responsibilities, then I could sit in front of the computer fora week and figure it out. Thankfully I do have a family life. Eventually I ill get it working but I also encourage anyone else to beat me to that finish line. It doesn't matter who fixes this problem just as long as it is fixed.

And your English is very good. I've seen some horrible translations before but I would have never guessed you were from across the ocean.


Nov 2, 2013
Hi everybody,
I'm new to this Forum, I've just installed FreeNAS 9.1.1 and started to use it. I'm experiencing the same problem from praecorloth member.

If I start miniDLNA service from the GUI, it starts but cannot see any video files in WMP; if I start it manually from the command line the files appear.

Perhaps I can add something new to the discussion:
1) in the bad situation I can find errors in /var/log/minidlna.log inside the jail (substantially it says there is an error in scanning /media)
2) in my case the folder mounted to /media is in another disk; I verified that if I mount to /media a folder inside the same disk where the jail resides and start the service from the GUI then it works.

However I prefer not to use the second solution because I have used the available disks (of different sizes) in such a manner that there's a small disk where I put all the services I need (minidlna, svn, mysql, etc) and other two disks where I have movies (in one of them) and personal documents (in the other).

Finally I cannot succeed in putting the call to the minidlna service in Init/Shutdown Scripts. It does not start and I cannot find a log file with some error message about this.

Please, if you have any ideas, let me know.

P.S.: I hope my English is not too poor.
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