UNIX Noobie Reaching Out: Lost access to UFS/CIFS volume

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Apr 12, 2012
Let me start out by saying that I am and old technician from the Windows/DOS world. I took the leap into the unknown by going into the Unix darkside after doing some googling for an inexpensive storage solution and watching some videos. I have built many PC's, servers, and networks.
But I am totally unfamiliar with FreeBSD or Unix of any kind. Sorry. But I feel now that the solution for my problem must be within that FreeBSD world. This is why I reach out to You kind folks.
I successfully built a FreeNAS 8.04 home storage server (4GB ram) a few days ago with three sata drives to be able to store my many years of Photos, Music, Movies, eBooks, and Backups! I would love to be able to afford to buy a few 2GB drives to do a proper ZFS RAID setup, but this is all I can afford right now.
I configured each drive as a single-drive UFS volume, and set up the CIFS shares on each volume.
From the web GUI, I started the tedious/long process of transferring these files from my windows NTFS drives to the FreeNAS shares. (I was unable to just do an import from FreeNAS of these files). This went fairly smoothly, and after a couple of days, I was able to access all my files.
BUT, when I started to move the eBook files, I lost access to the server. I connected a monitor, keyboard and mouse back to the server and watched as I rebooted. The screen indicated that I was having file issues with VOLUME1 and VOLUME2, and requesting that I run FSCK manually. PANIC! What!? Where?
I got to the # symbol and typed in fsck (I researched and found out this was a file checker like chkdsk). It ran a while and then asked me a lot of questions. I just said yes til I got tired and then said no. Back at the hash mark #, I entered "exit", and it went through to the IP address screen!
I went back to the GUI, and was able to log back on and see the volumes, but VOLUME1 showed "Degraded". I looked for answers and then accidentally hit "Export Volume". Not good. VOLUME1 disappeared! VOLUME2 now showed "Healthy".
VOLUME1 contains all the main files I mentioned.
Please: What can I do to recover this drive? Whatever it takes, I am willing to try. (Feel my Pain?). I knew what to do in the Windows/NTFS side, but I am completely lost here.
Sorry if this is lengthy, but I wanted to provide as much detail as I could. Thank You in advance for reading this. All responses will be greatly appreciated.


Apr 12, 2012
Not Helpful.

Have you tried reading the documentation ?
. No thanks to you, I,ve recovered all files/folders intact from the UFS drives using UFS Explorer for Linux. Worked like a charm. Rebuilding my FreeNAS server now. bye.
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