Setting Up FTP Public Area

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Feb 1, 2014
Hi folks! Just finished getting FreeNas 9.2.1 x64 up and running as an FTP server and so far everything is going well.

My problem is the way I want to set up account access in FTP. I have a group of friends, and we'd all like to have a place to dump and share files, with a private space in the home directory and a public space we can put pictures or work items.

At first I had Chroot on and so everyone had access to only their private space, with no way to even see what else is on the server. If I have it off, then everyone logs in at the same level as /mnt, and I really don't trust some of them to not delete system files, as well as the fact everyone can see everything. I tried adding some people to group wheel, but all that really does is set the login root to their home directory, so the other problems persist. Is there a way to achieve what I'm hoping for? I'd be willing to have some fairly hacky fixes, since I'll be the only admin.

Thanks for reading!
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