Plex DVR & Commercial Skipping with Comskip

Sep 24, 2015
I finally got a chance to revisit this and I was fighting 2 problems.

1. My comcut command wasn't all in one line.
2. It didn't compile correctly with gcc5.

Once I nuked my folder and started over I got it to compile correctly and even implemented your improved

Yeomans work good sir!
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2016
Hopefully resurrecting this thread isn't out of line--Just wanted to say the outlined process works pretty fantastically for single recordings--I'm slowly moving toward getting rid of my overcomplicated Windows Media Center-->MCEBuddy-->copy to NAS-->Plex library update process (thank you!!). However, I think I'm running into an issue when multiple Plex DVR recordings finishing around the same time. While all items in queue successfully run through the comskip process, my observation is that only the first item successfully is copied to the appropriate library. Other items just get left in the .grab directory indefinitely. The items in here do have the commercials stripped out and seem like healthy recordings, but they never get copied. I haven't been able to identify any logs that tell me what's going on, but I suspect Plex is timing out somewhere.

Has anyone run into anything similar? Any ideas for workarounds / fixes?


Oct 28, 2012
Hopefully resurrecting this thread isn't out of line--Just wanted to say the outlined process works pretty fantastically for single recordings--I'm slowly moving toward getting rid of my overcomplicated Windows Media Center-->MCEBuddy-->copy to NAS-->Plex library update process (thank you!!). However, I think I'm running into an issue when multiple Plex DVR recordings finishing around the same time. While all items in queue successfully run through the comskip process, my observation is that only the first item successfully is copied to the appropriate library. Other items just get left in the .grab directory indefinitely. The items in here do have the commercials stripped out and seem like healthy recordings, but they never get copied. I haven't been able to identify any logs that tell me what's going on, but I suspect Plex is timing out somewhere.

Has anyone run into anything similar? Any ideas for workarounds / fixes?
Plex is not supposed to timeout. I have had a situation during testing where I didn't delete my lock file and processing was suspended for a full day. Once I deleted the file, processing resumed and all of the files were successfully added by Plex. Have you tried looking at the Plex logs? They are huge, but search for one of your failed recordings and maybe that will yield something interesting.


Aug 1, 2015
I noted a problem. I installed per the instructions and it all compiled (LOTS of warnings about deprecated). I then tried to run it and found that comskip failed on creating a temp file. It uses mktemp and, specifically, the --suffix option. This option does not exist in my version of mkfile. Suffix is critical to allow ffmpeg to work.

I revised comskip to create a temp directory and a specific named file with the input file extension in the temp directory and using that for the output of ffmpeg. It worked, but I must ask...

Why is this (mktemp) working for the rest of you????

Could it be that I upgraded from 9.3 and you guys installed 9.10? Did I screw up?

Any ideas?

	tempfile=`mktemp --suffix=."$outextension" "$outdir"/XXXXXXXX`

	echo Writing file to temporary file: "$tempfile"
	if $ffmpegPath -loglevel error -hide_banner -nostdin -i "$infile" -i "$meta$
	  mv -f "$tempfile" "$outfile"
	  echo Saved to: "$outfile"
	  echo Error running ffmpeg: "$infile" 1>&3 2>&4 >&2

	tempdir=`mktemp -d "$outdir"/XXXXXXXX`

	echo Writing file to temporary file: "$tempfile"
	if $ffmpegPath -loglevel error -hide_banner -nostdin -i "$infile" -i "$meta$
	  mv -f "$tempfile" "$outfile"
	  echo Saved to: "$outfile"
	  echo Error running ffmpeg: "$infile" 1>&3 2>&4 >&2
	rm -r "$tempdir"


Oct 28, 2012
Why is this (mktemp) working for the rest of you????

Could it be that I upgraded from 9.3 and you guys installed 9.10? Did I screw up?

Any ideas?
I don't know if 9.10 makes a difference or not, but I am using 9.10.

I would confirm the permissions in that outfile directory, or just set the directory to 777.


Aug 1, 2015
I am also on 9.10 stable latest. Pretty sure the problem is not permissions (running as root). The problem is clearly in the command "mktemp". The version I have responds as follows:

[root@freenas] ~# mktemp --help
mktemp: illegal option -- -
usage: mktemp [-d] [-q] [-t prefix] [-u] template ...
	   mktemp [-d] [-q] [-u] -t prefix
[root@freenas] ~#

The comskip script has the command

mktemp --suffix=."$outextension" "$outdir"/XXXXXXXX

The switch --suffix is not allowed by mktemp on my machine.

What do you get when you run mktemp --help? If it succeeds, how do you think you got mktemp? If it fails, does your comskip script contain mktemp --suffix?


Oct 28, 2012
I am also on 9.10 stable latest. Pretty sure the problem is not permissions (running as root). The problem is clearly in the command "mktemp". The version I have responds as follows:

[root@freenas] ~# mktemp --help
mktemp: illegal option -- -
usage: mktemp [-d] [-q] [-t prefix] [-u] template ...
	   mktemp [-d] [-q] [-u] -t prefix
[root@freenas] ~#

The comskip script has the command

mktemp --suffix=."$outextension" "$outdir"/XXXXXXXX

The switch --suffix is not allowed by mktemp on my machine.

What do you get when you run mktemp --help? If it succeeds, how do you think you got mktemp? If it fails, does your comskip script contain mktemp --suffix?
I get the same - but what's the path to the comskip script you're using? I call comskip via the /comchap/comchap and /comchap/comcut scripts and I don't see mktemp at all.


Aug 1, 2015
We're getting somewhere...

Line 164 of 233 in file /comchap/comchap is where I see mktemp. Note I believe comcut doesn't have this (as it doesn't need a temp file). Looking online at comchap, it looks like it has used mktemp like that for many months even though comchap has significantly grown over that period. Are you sure your comchap does not contain mktemp? The context is (just before finishing):

if [ "$infile" -ef "$outfile" ] ; then

	tempfile=`mktemp --suffix=."$outextension" "$outdir"/XXXXXXXX`


Oct 28, 2012
We're getting somewhere...

This jogs my memory back to October:

I never updated the author's comchap build from git as I use comcut exclusively. I had a fork that I deprecated once the original comcut took care of some BSD-specific problems and I can't find it right now.

What I would do is try to eliminate the --suffix command, as that isn't supported in BSD and try something like:
`mktemp "$outdir"/XXXXXXXX`

I'd also ask the author if he could update comchap. He's active on that thread I quoted above.


Aug 1, 2015
Yes, I believe my code fix is quite appropriate (creates a temp folder then a fixed-name file in the temp folder). It will work for BSD as well as for linux. I'm just recording now, so I will see if it works fully automated, but it worked fine from the command line (running /

Thanks for helping me get to the bottom of it. I hate loose ends...


Apr 8, 2015
Here is my file.

# Add bash path to Plex path.
set path = ($path /usr/local/bin)
# Sleep for a pseudorandom period (up to 10 seconds) to limit the number of instances that start at once
sleep `echo $$%10 | bc`
/root/comchap/comcut --ffmpeg=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg --comskip=/root/comskip/comskip --lockfile=/tmp/comchap.lock --comskip-ini=/usr/local/etc/comskip.ini "$1"
HandBrakeCLI -i "$1" -o "$1".mkv --format mkv --encoder x264 --quality 20 --loose-anamorphic --decomb fast --x264-preset fast --h264-profile high --h264-level 4.1
find /mnt -name "*.ts" -not -path "*/\.*" -delete

This incorporates a simple Handbrake re-encode to mkv, and also will delete any previously created .ts files. It seems that plex doesn't like when you delete the original file after reencoding to mkv, and will just delete everything it has just done. So this is just a simple way of cleaning up, without having to do a persistent running cleaner script.

Hope you like.


May 14, 2017
Thanks bollar for the detailed instructions. I've got everything running to a point where I can manually run the referenced and get comskip to remove commericals from a given file.

What I can't seem to figure out is why it will not work automatically in plex after adding / to the post processing section of the DVR settings in the GUI. When a recording is finished I wait awhile and eventually get an error on the recording and lose the recording completely.

Any ideas for troubleshooting? I'm not that familiar with FreeBSD in general but any suggestions are appreciated.


Sep 22, 2014
sorry to resurrect this thread. I have followed the instructions, as well as some of the other tips as shown, however i'm running into issues. Any ideas as to what is causing the following?
root@plexmediaserver_1:/ # ./ "/mnt/media/TV/Family Guy/Season 13/Family Guy - S13E16 - Once Bitten.ts"
lockfile: /tmp/comchap.lock
Comskip 0.81.089, made using ffmpeg
Donator build
The commandline used was:
/comskiplinux/Comskip-master/comskip --ini=/comskiplinux/Comskip-master/comskip.ini "/mnt/media/TV/Family Guy/Season 13/Family Guy - S13E16 - Once Bitten.ts"

Setting ini file to /comskiplinux/Comskip-master/comskip.ini as per commandline
Using /comskiplinux/Comskip-master/comskip.ini for initiation values.
/comchap/comcut: line 125: 22020 Segmentation fault	  $comskipPath $comskipoutput --ini="$comskipini" "$infile"
/comchap/comcut: line 136: /mnt/media/TV/Family Guy/Season 13/Family Guy - S13E16 - Once Bitten.ffmeta: No such file or directory
/comchap/comcut: line 173: /mnt/media/TV/Family Guy/Season 13/Family Guy - S13E16 - Once Bitten.edl: No such file or directory



Dec 27, 2016
Since the last post was earlier this month, I'll post here. The post processing script I have is working great when called manually, however it seems Plex isn't bothering to try calling the script after a recording finishes. I've verified the path to my script to what's set in Plex and also that the script is universally executable (Unix permissions). I'm on server version I'm not seeing anything indicative of any issues in the 'Plex Media Server.log' file. Anyone have any idea where I can look to figure out what's going on?

In case anyone is interested, here's my script as of right now; removes commercials and re-encodes using HandBrakeCLI. It's not doing much for error checking and logging sucks at the moment, I'll improve those later.

Edit: I'm an idiot. Completely forgot to add /usr/bin/local to the path variable. Updated my code below to reflect the change. The code below is working great for me.

set path = ($path /usr/local/bin)
set lockFile = '/tmp/dvrProcessing.lock'																							
set origFile = "$1"																												
set tmpFile = "$1.tmp"																											
set dvrPostLog = '/tmp/dvrProcessing.log'																						

#Wait if post processing is already running																						
while ( -f $lockFile )																											
	echo "'$lockFile' exists, sleeping processing of '$origFile'" | tee $dvrPostLog
	sleep 10																														

#Create lock file to prevent other post-processing from running simultaneously													
echo "Creating lock file for processing '$origFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog														
touch $lockFile																													

#Remove commercials																												
echo "Removing commercials from '$origFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog																
/root/comchap/comcut --ffmpeg=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg --comskip=/root/comskip/comskip --lockfile=/tmp/comchap.lock --comskip-ini=/usr/local/etc/comskip.ini "$origFile"																								

#Encode file to H.264 with mkv container using Handbrake																			
echo "Re-encoding '$origFile' to '$tmpFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog																
HandBrakeCLI -i "$origFile" -o "$tmpFile" --format mkv --encoder x264 --x264-preset medium --quality 20 --loose-anamorphic --decomb fast --h264-profile high --h264-level 4.0 --aencoder copy																		

#Overwrite original mkv file with the transcoded file.																			
echo "Renaming '$tmpFile' to '$origFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog																	
mv -f "$tmpFile" "$origFile"																										

#Remove lock file																												
echo "Done processing '$origFile' removing lock" | tee -a $dvrPostLog															
rm $lockFile																														

exit 0
Last edited:
Jul 20, 2017
I modified the script above to use ffmpeg and ccextractor to get closed captions and mux them into the encoding. FFmpeg also gives you the benefit of being able to passthrough audio. Finally you can modify the ffmpeg command line in script to test out nvidia/amd/Quicksync encoding of h265 (which i plan to do)
Tested on Debian 8.5
depends: ccextractor, comskip, comcut/comchap, ffmpeg, and a good comskip.ini file. Working great for me in plex as post processing script


set path = ($path /usr/local/bin)
set lockFile = '/tmp/dvrProcessing.lock'
set origFile = "$1"
set tmpFile = "$1.tmp"
set tmpEncode = "$1.mkv"
set tmpSrt = "$"
set dvrPostLog = '/media/8eeb64f5-b001-47d0-a261-bbee8a83d11d/plexdvr/dvrProcessing.log'

#Wait if post processing is already running
while ( -f $lockFile )
	echo "'$lockFile' exists, sleeping processing of '$origFile'" | tee $dvrPostLog
	sleep 10

#Create lock file to prevent other post-processing from running simultaneously
echo "Creating lock file for processing '$origFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
touch $lockFile

#Mark and cut commercials
echo "cut from '$origFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
/media/8eeb64f5-b001-47d0-a261-bbee8a83d11d/plexdvr/comchap/comcut --lockfile=/tmp/comchap.lock --comskip-ini=/media/8eeb64f5-b001-47d0-a261-bbee8a83d11d/plexdvr/comskip.ini "$origFile"

#Pull CC from file to SRT file
echo "Pulling Closed captions from '$origFile' to SRT file" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
ccextractor "$origFile" -o "$tmpSrt"

#Encode file to H.264 with mkv container using ffmpeg and mux in CC srt
echo "Re-encoding '$origFile' to MKV file while adding cc data" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$origFile" -i "$tmpSrt" -map 0 -map 1 -acodec copy -scodec copy -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 21 -profile:v high -level 4.0 -deinterlace "$tmpEncode"

#Remove SRT file
echo "Remove SRT file" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
rm -f "$tmpSrt"

#Rename first transcoded file to temp file in case no subtitles
echo "Rename transcoded file to tmp file" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
mv -f "$tmpEncode" "$tmpFile"

#Overwrite original ts file with the transcoded file
echo "Removing '$origFile'" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
mv -f "$tmpFile" "$origFile"

#Remove lock file
echo "Done processing '$origFile' removing lock" | tee -a $dvrPostLog
rm $lockFile

exit 0
Last edited:


Feb 19, 2015
Compile Comskip


So I get to this point but after running make I get the following error. I've double checked that I've set gcc5.
root@emby_1:/comskiplinux # unzip
d Comskip-master
 extracting: Comskip-master/.gitignore
 extracting: Comskip-master/.travis.yml
 extracting: Comskip-master/DDRAW.H
 extracting: Comskip-master/
 extracting: Comskip-master/
 extracting: Comskip-master/appveyor.yml
 extracting: Comskip-master/
d Comskip-master/ccextratorwin
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/608.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/608.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/CCEXTRATORWIN.dsp
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/CCEXTRATORWIN.dsw
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/CCEXTRATORWIN.ncb
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/CCEXTRATORWIN.opt
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/CCEXTRATORWIN.plg
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/ccextractor.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/encoding.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/general_loop.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/ccextratorwin/myth.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/comskip.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/comskip.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/comskip16.ico
 extracting: Comskip-master/comskip32.ico
 extracting: Comskip-master/config.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/
 extracting: Comskip-master/ffmpeg_dxva2.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/ffmpeg_dxva2.c_save
 extracting: Comskip-master/mpeg2dec.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/platform.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/platform.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/resource.h
d Comskip-master/vendor
 extracting: Comskip-master/vendor/argtable2.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/vendor/argtable2.lib
 extracting: Comskip-master/video_out_dx.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/video_out_sdl.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/vo.h
 extracting: Comskip-master/win32_pthread.c
 extracting: Comskip-master/win32_pthread.h
root@emby_1:/comskiplinux # cd Comskip-master
root@emby_1:/comskiplinux/Comskip-master # ./
Preparing the Comskip build system...please wait

Found GNU Autoconf version 2.69
Found GNU Automake version 1.15
Found GNU Libtool version 2.4.6

Automatically preparing build ... done

The Comskip build system is now prepared.  To build here, run:
root@emby_1:/comskiplinux/Comskip-master # ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... ./install-sh -c -d
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... nawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc5
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc5 accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc5 option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc5 understands -c and -o together... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc5... gcc3
checking for fmax in -lm... yes
checking for sem_post in -lpthread... yes
checking build system type... amd64-unknown-freebsd11.0
checking host system type... amd64-unknown-freebsd11.0
checking whether host is win32... no
checking whether host is darwin... no
checking whether to enable donator features... yes
checking whether to build a statically linked binary... no
checking whether to build with debugging options enabled... no
checking for pkg-config... /usr/local/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for argtable2... yes
checking for ffmpeg... yes
checking for sdl... no
checking whether to build the graphical user interface... no
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
root@emby_1:/comskiplinux/Comskip-master # make
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT comskip-comskip.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/comskip-comskip.Tpo -c -o comskip-comskip.o `test -f 'comskip.c' || echo './'`comskip.c
mv -f .deps/comskip-comskip.Tpo .deps/comskip-comskip.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT comskip-mpeg2dec.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/comskip-mpeg2dec.Tpo -c -o comskip-mpeg2dec.o `test -f 'mpeg2dec.c' || echo './'`mpeg2dec.c
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'retreive_frame_volume':
mpeg2dec.c:379:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 int s_per_frame = (to_pts - from_pts) * (double)(is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate+1);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:388:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 buffer = & audio_buffer[(int)((from_pts - base_apts) * ((double)is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate+0.5) )];
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:401:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 audio_samples -= (int)((from_pts - base_apts) * (is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate+0.5)); // incomplete frame before complete frame
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:434:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 top_apts = base_apts + audio_samples / (double)(is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'sound_to_frames':
mpeg2dec.c:476:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (old_sample_rate == is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate &&
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:478:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 || (top_apts - base_apts) * (is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate+0.5) > AUDIOBUFFER
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:480:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 || !ISSAME(((double)audio_samples /(double)(is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate+0.5))+ base_apts, top_apts)
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:496:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (old_sample_rate != 0 && old_sample_rate != is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate) {
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:497:10: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		  Debug(5, "Audio samplerate switched from %d to %d\n", old_sample_rate, is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate );
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:499:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 old_sample_rate = is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:502:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (fabs(base_apts - (is->audio_clock - ((double)audio_samples /(double)(is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate))))> 0.0001)
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:503:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 base_apts = (is->audio_clock - ((double)audio_samples /(double)(is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate)));
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:504:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 if (ALIGN_AC3_PACKETS && is->audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AC3) {
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:529:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 for (l=0;l < is->audio_st->codec->channels;l++ )
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:537:21: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
					 for (l=0;l < is->audio_st->codec->channels;l++ ) volume += *((fb[l])++) * 64000;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:539:21: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
					 for (l=0;l < is->audio_st->codec->channels;l++ ) volume += *((fb[0])++) * 64000;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:540:17: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
				 *audio_buffer_ptr++ = volume / is->audio_st->codec->channels;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:541:17: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
				 avg_volume += abs(volume / is->audio_st->codec->channels);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:546:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 for (l=0;l < is->audio_st->codec->channels;l++ )
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:554:21: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
					 for (l=0;l < is->audio_st->codec->channels;l++ ) volume += *((sb[l])++);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:556:21: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
					 for (l=0;l < is->audio_st->codec->channels;l++ ) volume += *((sb[0])++);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:557:17: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
				 *audio_buffer_ptr++ = volume / is->audio_st->codec->channels;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:558:17: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
				 avg_volume += abs(volume / is->audio_st->codec->channels);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:564:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 top_apts = base_apts + audio_samples / (double)(is->audio_st->codec->sample_rate);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'audio_packet_process':
mpeg2dec.c:602:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if ( !ALIGN_AC3_PACKETS && is->audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AC3
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:615:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (ALIGN_AC3_PACKETS && is->audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AC3) {
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:666:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 if (ALIGN_AC3_PACKETS && is->audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AC3) {
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:710:9: warning: 'avcodec_decode_audio4' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 len1 = avcodec_decode_audio4(is->audio_st->codec, is->frame, &got_frame, pkt_temp);
In file included from /usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:319:0,
				 from mpeg2dec.c:35:
/usr/local/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:4763:5: note: declared here
 int avcodec_decode_audio4(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame,
mpeg2dec.c:710:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 len1 = avcodec_decode_audio4(is->audio_st->codec, is->frame, &got_frame, pkt_temp);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:712:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 if (prev_codec_id != -1 && (unsigned int)prev_codec_id != is->audio_st->codec->codec_id)
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:716:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 prev_codec_id = is->audio_st->codec->codec_id;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:721:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 if (is->audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AC3) ac3_packet_index = 0;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:754:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (ALIGN_AC3_PACKETS && is->audio_st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AC3) {
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'DoSeekRequest':
mpeg2dec.c:1037:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1041:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'video_packet_process':
mpeg2dec.c:1202:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (!hardware_decode) is->video_st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GRAY;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1204:5: warning: 'avcodec_decode_video2' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 len1 = avcodec_decode_video2(is->video_st->codec, is->pFrame, &frameFinished,
In file included from /usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:319:0,
				 from mpeg2dec.c:35:
/usr/local/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:4812:5: note: declared here
 int avcodec_decode_video2(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *picture,
mpeg2dec.c:1204:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 len1 = avcodec_decode_video2(is->video_st->codec, is->pFrame, &frameFinished,
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1231:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 frame_delay = av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->time_base) * is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame ;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1231:9: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
		 frame_delay = av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->time_base) * is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame ;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1343:17: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
				 if (!ISSAME(3*frame_delay/ is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame, calculated_delay))
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1344:21: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
					 if (!ISSAME(1*frame_delay/ is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame, calculated_delay))
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1359:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 && !ISSAME(3*frame_delay/ is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame, calculated_delay)
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1360:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 && !ISSAME(1*frame_delay/ is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame, calculated_delay)
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'stream_component_open':
mpeg2dec.c:1605:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 codecCtx = pFormatCtx->streams[stream_index]->codec;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:1755:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame = 1;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'file_open':
mpeg2dec.c:1939:13: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
			 is->fps = 1/av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->time_base);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'file_close':
mpeg2dec.c:2011:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (is->videoStream != -1) avcodec_close(is->pFormatCtx->streams[is->videoStream]->codec);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:2015:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (is->audioStream != -1) avcodec_close(is->pFormatCtx->streams[is->audioStream]->codec);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:2017:5: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
	 if (is->subtitleStream != -1)  avcodec_close(is->pFormatCtx->streams[is->subtitleStream]->codec);
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c: In function 'main':
mpeg2dec.c:2312:25: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
						 double frame_delay = av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->time_base) * is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mpeg2dec.c:2312:25: warning: 'codec' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
						 double frame_delay = av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->time_base) * is->video_st->codec->ticks_per_frame;
In file included from mpeg2dec.c:35:0:
/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h:893:21: note: declared here
	 AVCodecContext *codec;
mv -f .deps/comskip-mpeg2dec.Tpo .deps/comskip-mpeg2dec.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT comskip-platform.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/comskip-platform.Tpo -c -o comskip-platform.o `test -f 'platform.c' || echo './'`platform.c
mv -f .deps/comskip-platform.Tpo .deps/comskip-platform.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT comskip-video_out_dx.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/comskip-video_out_dx.Tpo -c -o comskip-video_out_dx.o `test -f 'video_out_dx.c' || echo './'`video_out_dx.c
mv -f .deps/comskip-video_out_dx.Tpo .deps/comskip-video_out_dx.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT ccextratorwin/comskip-608.o -MD -MP -MF ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-608.Tpo -c -o ccextratorwin/comskip-608.o `test -f 'ccextratorwin/608.c' || echo './'`ccextratorwin/608.c
mv -f ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-608.Tpo ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-608.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT ccextratorwin/comskip-ccextractor.o -MD -MP -MF ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-ccextractor.Tpo -c -o ccextratorwin/comskip-ccextractor.o `test -f 'ccextratorwin/ccextractor.c' || echo './'`ccextratorwin/ccextractor.c
mv -f ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-ccextractor.Tpo ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-ccextractor.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT ccextratorwin/comskip-encoding.o -MD -MP -MF ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-encoding.Tpo -c -o ccextratorwin/comskip-encoding.o `test -f 'ccextratorwin/encoding.c' || echo './'`ccextratorwin/encoding.c
mv -f ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-encoding.Tpo ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-encoding.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT ccextratorwin/comskip-general_loop.o -MD -MP -MF ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-general_loop.Tpo -c -o ccextratorwin/comskip-general_loop.o `test -f 'ccextratorwin/general_loop.c' || echo './'`ccextratorwin/general_loop.c
In file included from ccextratorwin/general_loop.c:2:0:
ccextratorwin/general_loop.c: In function 'ts_getmoredata':
ccextratorwin/general_loop.c:295:21: warning: the address of 'tsheader' will always evaluate as 'true' [-Waddress]
ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h:149:9: note: in definition of macro 'buffered_read_4'
	 if (buffer) { buffer[0]=filebuffer[filebuffer_pos]; \
ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h:143:15: warning: the comparison will always evaluate as 'true' for the address of 'adlength' will never be NULL [-Waddress]
	 if (buffer!=NULL) memcpy (buffer,filebuffer+filebuffer_pos,bytes); \
ccextratorwin/general_loop.c:352:7: note: in expansion of macro 'buffered_read'
	   buffered_read (&adlength, 1);
mv -f ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-general_loop.Tpo ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-general_loop.Po
gcc5 -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"Comskip\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"comskip\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"Comskip\ 0.81.098\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"comskip\" -DVERSION=\"0.81.098\" -DHAVE_LIBM=1 -DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1 -I.  -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -DPROCESS_CC -DDONATOR  -g -O2  -MT ccextratorwin/comskip-myth.o -MD -MP -MF ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-myth.Tpo -c -o ccextratorwin/comskip-myth.o `test -f 'ccextratorwin/myth.c' || echo './'`ccextratorwin/myth.c
In file included from ccextratorwin/myth.c:4:0:
ccextratorwin/myth.c: In function 'get_be16':
ccextratorwin/myth.c:290:25: warning: the address of 'a' will always evaluate as 'true' [-Waddress]
	 buffered_read_byte (&a);
ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h:158:9: note: in definition of macro 'buffered_read_byte'
	 if (buffer) { *buffer=filebuffer[filebuffer_pos]; \
ccextratorwin/myth.c:291:25: warning: the address of 'b' will always evaluate as 'true' [-Waddress]
	 buffered_read_byte (&b);
ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h:158:9: note: in definition of macro 'buffered_read_byte'
	 if (buffer) { *buffer=filebuffer[filebuffer_pos]; \
ccextratorwin/myth.c: In function 'get_byte':
ccextratorwin/myth.c:298:21: warning: the address of 'b' will always evaluate as 'true' [-Waddress]
ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h:158:9: note: in definition of macro 'buffered_read_byte'
	 if (buffer) { *buffer=filebuffer[filebuffer_pos]; \
ccextratorwin/myth.c: In function 'find_next_start_code':
ccextratorwin/myth.c:340:29: warning: the address of 'cx' will always evaluate as 'true' [-Waddress]
		 buffered_read_byte (&cx);
ccextratorwin/ccextractor.h:158:9: note: in definition of macro 'buffered_read_byte'
	 if (buffer) { *buffer=filebuffer[filebuffer_pos]; \
ccextratorwin/myth.c: In function 'mpegps_read_packet':
ccextratorwin/myth.c:724:1: warning: label 'found' defined but not used [-Wunused-label]
mv -f ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-myth.Tpo ccextratorwin/.deps/comskip-myth.Po
gcc5 -g -O2	 -o comskip comskip-comskip.o comskip-mpeg2dec.o  comskip-platform.o comskip-video_out_dx.o  ccextratorwin/comskip-608.o  ccextratorwin/comskip-ccextractor.o  ccextratorwin/comskip-encoding.o  ccextratorwin/comskip-general_loop.o  ccextratorwin/comskip-myth.o -L/usr/local /lib -largtable2 -L/usr/local/lib -lavutil -lavformat -lavcodec  -lpthread -lm
/lib: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [comskip] Error code 1

Stop in /comskiplinux/Comskip-master.

Any idea what the /lib:file not recognized error is caused by and how to fix it? I'm on FreeNAS 11 but this install is an upgrade install so the jail is not from 11.
Jul 20, 2017
So I get to this point but after running make I get the following error. I've double checked that I've set gcc5.
Any idea what the /lib:file not recognized error is caused by and how to fix it? I'm on FreeNAS 11 but this install is an upgrade install so the jail is not from 11.

The listed dependencies for comskip are: autoconf automake libtool but there are others as well.
I think you are running into the same issue I did in Debian - libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev all needed a higher version number than was available in my debian 8.9 apt repository. Those appear to be the packages throwing errors during your compilation when i'm looking at it. My guess is your versions are too old. I had to install them from backports to get a high enough version number to meet dependencies. I also ran into missing package libargtable2 that I had to install manually using dpkg


Feb 19, 2015
FreeBSD (and by extension FreeNAS) do not have the backport or any alternative repos such as other OSes use. There is just the mainline for each version. I checked the official port site and the versions I have (see in the list above) are the most recent version of each dependency listed by comskip.

I think the problem lies somewhere else than versions unless you can point to me what besides the 'codec' being depreciated you take as throwing errors?

I do think you are onto something about the jail being old as it isn't a FreeNAS 11 or even a FreeNAS 9.10 jail as I've had this Emby install for quite sometime.

Is there any chance that the /lib:file no recognized error is caused by that extra space in the argument string?