NAS server blew up - problem with networking on new box

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Mar 30, 2014
Only outstanding issue is the boot situation - still havent managed to work that one out i.e
- the mobo is a ASUS Sabertooth - Going into BIOS changing the boot priority to favor my NAS USB (SanDisk) appears to be fine - exit and save my BIOS config, but then during boot the system goes into "No boot device" and halts
This happens every time I try to boot while letting the system work it out
However, if I press F8 during boot I am given a boot menu where I can select the boot drive - on this menu I see two(!) SanDisks (one SanDisk UEFI and one just saying SanDisk) - Its the SanDisk UEFI that boots properly. I have no idea why two SanDisks shows up on this boot menu and I suspect that its the none UEFI SanDisk that the system try to boot with by default. - BIOS have been configured to use the SanDisk as its nbr 1 boot device. BIOS have also been setup to treat the SanDisk as a HDD.
The SanDisk Usb is the only one on the system, so there must be some confusion going on within the BIOS

Would like to be able to reboot at will without being forced to stand next to the server and opt for the correct boot devise

Anyone with ideas on what the resolution to this non NAS issue would be?
There is nothing wrong. The USB drive has two boot environments installed, and the system is seeing both of them. The one that says SanDisk UEFI is set up for UEFI boot. The one that just says SanDisk is set up for BIOS boot. If your motherboard is set up to boot from a UEFI device (it probably is on an ASUS motherboard) then you should set the SanDisk UEFI as your boot device. Do not use the other one.
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