UserID mapping between FreeNAS and Likewise-open

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Sep 20, 2011
Not sure where to start on this one...

I have set up a FreeNAS 8.3.1 server on an Active Directory based domain. I can successfully take my Windows clients and set up various Group Policies on the domain to automatically mount several shares on the FreeNAS server, including the user's home drives. I've had to write some pretty convoluted migration scripts to get the data from an old Samba server and change the ownership on the files from their old Linux based ID's to the new users on the domain, but those are all working nicely.

My problem is when I try to introduce a Linux client machine into the mix...

I have an Ubuntu 13.04 (Beta) machine running Likewise-open to join it to the AD domain. I can now log in to the Ubuntu client with my domain credentials. I can even use gvfs and a samba mount to see the user's "home" drive on the FreeNAS server.

The ISSUE is when I try to use NFS to mount the home drive (or any other NFS share on the FreeNAS server) to a mount point on the Ubuntu client. It appears that FreeNAS and Likewise-open use different rules when MAPPING THE DOMAIN USER TO A UNIX/LINUX NUMERIC ID.

My question is:
First, is this just a Bad Thing To Try To Do?
Second, assuming I'm not trying something completely crazy, is there a way, either in FreeNAS or in Likewise-open to control how the mapping to the numeric ID is done, and hence the file owner on the underlying ZFS file system?

My work-around at the moment is to just use the samba based mount, and symlink or other shortcut to the funky gvfs file name to get to those files easier.
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