Two Questions- UPS config and BTSync/CIFS (unrelated)

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Jan 30, 2015
Two questions unrelated to each other. Figured best not to create two different posts but if that is preferred let me know. Just built my NAS box and slowly working though all the feature sets and configuring them as I find them.

short version's
1. Can I change the UPS shutdown to 20% rather then the default 10% low battery?
2. How can I sync multiple folders in multiple datasets while also having access via CIFS using BTSync?

1. I have a CyberPower UPS CP1500PFCLCD. I plugged the UPS in via USB and configured the FreeNas UPS service. Unplugged the UPS from the wall and a minute or two later and my box shut down. That's great! So now I want to dig a little deeper. When I open a SSH session to my Nas box and run the command "upsc ups@localhost" I get diag info. One of the entries are "battery.charge.low: 10" is of interest to me. I have since changed my shutdown mode to "UPS reaches low battery" in the UPS Settings service. Does that mean my Nas will continue running until my UPS indicates its at 10%? If that is the case can I change that to 20%? If so would you suggest any different percentage? 10% just seems a little low to me and I would feel better knowing my box has that much more time to shutdown.

I saw the example from
would placing this in my Auxiliary parameters (ups.conf) change that 10% to 15%. do I need to have the runtime.low entry?
    override.battery.charge.low = 15
    override.battery.runtime.low = -1

2. Installed BTSync and setup a few folders to sync. Originally I had several datasets, one for each folder and one master dataset which held them all. I will illustrate the structure below. My reason was so that I could do individual snap shots for each folder and even limit the max dataset size offered to the individual synced folder. This part worked great however I wanted one other aspect which seems only to works under certain conditions. I created a CIFS share at the top level and when browsing from the top I would see each dataset as a folder but when I clicked on the folder it was empty. while I know it is not recommended to change data via CIFS share, I would still like to see what data is actually synced. This is resolved if I only use a single dataset and each folder is created within it as a folder and not a dataset. The downside to this as I see it is that I cant limit the dataset size and I can't do individual snap shots.
To muddy the water a little, if I use individual datasets like I originally did, soon as I click disconnect sync folder via BTSync, contents of that dataset can been seen via CIFS but if I reconnect to that already filled dataset, those files will not be seen/synced and sent to peers.

Original configuration
-Raid array
-FileStore dataset "top level dataset with CIFS"

each level is an individual dataset. BTSync is attached at FileStore/BTSync so it has no access to the "Files" dataset

Modified configuration
-Raid array
-FileStore dataset "top level dataset with CIFS"

dataset Folder1/2 are removed and created as actual folders within BTSync webgui under the dataset BTSync.


Jan 30, 2015
I am still playing around with the BTSync trying to get it to operation like how I would want but for the moment neither of these have gained any ground. next time I get a chance I plan to make individual datasets which sit at the top level rather within a master dataset. ill then add multiple storage datasets to BTSynce at the jail level and create multiple CIFS to see if I can view contents while also having size/snapshot control.
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