Trying to Lock Down Permissions on multi-user system

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Dec 31, 2014
Ok. So I wanted to share several GB of data I have Archived with an old friend.

I was going through and tightening permissions. I don't think I've done anything permanent or unrecoverable, but Emby and Plex can no longer access my Media Library. What I did is removed Other user permissions across the board and recursively.

For the shared folder, I did create a separate user account for my friend, with RWX permissions for me, and R-X for my friend. Basically CHMOD 750 permissions with my UID as the owner and his GID as the group. That part is working great.

I set my whole media library as CHMOD -R 770. As soon as I did this, I could no longer access my media via Emby. I haven't double checked Plex yet, but I imagine it's down also.

The ultimate question is: what FreeNAS user is used to run Emby and Plesk executable binaries? Or are they each running as a different user? I had assumed it was "www" user. I will need to set my owner permissions to match this.
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