Source and Destination for Couchpotato with Transmission Freenas 11.2


Sep 29, 2017
Hi, Sorry a bit of a n00b here.

I created a dataset called "Transmission" and The "Transmission" Mount points are: Source: "/mnt/2TB/Transmission" Destination: "/mnt/SSD/iocage/jails/transmission/root/media". The transmission is successfully up and running
The owner of this dataset is user1 and the group is Transmission

Now I installed couchpotato. What should be the mount points for this jail?
Also when setting up the couch potato via web browser. What should be the "Folder where CP searches for movies." and To "Default folder where the movies are moved/copied/linked to."

I have plex running with the following source and destination mount points: "/mnt/2TB/Media" and "/mnt/SSD/iocage/jails/plex/root/media"

The Media dataset's owner is user1 and group is wheel