Replicating multiple push datasets into one pull dataset

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Jan 27, 2014
My setup:

1. On machine push, I created volume "vol0"​
2a. On machine push, I created dataset vol0/a​
2b. On machine push, I created dataset vol0/b​
2c. On machine push, I created dataset vol0/c​
3. On machine pull, I created volume "vol1"​
4. On machine pull, I created dataset vol0/foo.​
4a. I set readonly=on for vol1/foo​
5. On machine push, I created three periodic snapshots for vol0/a, vol0/b, and vol0/c.​
5a. I did not check "recursive" for any of the tasks​
6. On push, I created three replication tasks.​
6a. I set "Remote ZFS Volume/Dataset" to "vol1/foo"​
6b. I checked "Recursively replicate and remove stale snapshot on remote side"​
6c. I selected "Initialize remote side for once. (May cause data loss on remote side!)"​
6d. I set all other fields appropriately but will include them here if you really want to see them.​

My questions:

1. Was it correct for me to perform step 4?​
2. Was it correct for me to perform step 6b?​
3. Was it correct for me to specify the same value in step 6a for all three replication tasks... or do they need to be different?​
4. Is there a way for me to accomplish this with just one "snapshot" task and one "replication" task by taking advantage of "recursion"?​

Thank you,

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