Reclaiming space on UFS Array

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Oct 19, 2012
I have an 8TB hardware RAID array presented to my FreeNAS box. Once formatted UFS, it only shows 7.2T- I assume this is reserved root space? How can I reclaim this 800GB for usable storage on this volume?

Secondly, in this 7.2T array, FreeNAS GUI as well as df and du show I am using 6.4T of space, but that I only have 205G of space free- This obviously doesn't add up, but why? This whole volume is presented to ESXi via NFS and vSphere shows almost 800GB free (which is correct and makes sense 7.2T-6.4T=800GB). Why would there be this discrepancy and how can I see how much space is actually free?

I really need to reclaim some space on this array. According to FreeNAS, I only have 205GB free on this array, but according to my calculations I have about 1.6T of free space on this array. Can anyone help me reclaim this space without losing any data on the volume? Thanks in advance
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