New build - dubious disk scan results?

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Aug 3, 2014
Just building a new FreeNAS box with a bunch of 4TB WD RED drives.
Ive done the SMART tests and just running through the bad blocks test and seeing this data on one disk, although with no SMART errors currently reported, presumably because they won't show up until I do another SMART test?

Does this look like ADA2 is going bad (I've already had another die during testing, da1 in the SSH grab)
ADA2 isn't reporting any issues in the bad blocks run so far although he graph looks spiky compared to others.




Old Man
May 28, 2011
I can't read your posted screen captures. How about using and cut/paste the results and then post the link so we can read it.

SMART Test errors will show up during the test you run and not wait for the next time you run them.

Also, please follow the forum rules, we just updated them so we can offer better assistance. We need some system specs as it could lead us to something we have seen in the past with other similar builds. Although in your case maybe not. If you include system specs in your tagline, that is the easiest way to get around it.


Aug 3, 2014
Thanks for the guidance, updated system specs in sig.

Ive complete memory (4passes error free) and CPU testing successfully.
Now testing the drives the graph shows the spiky performance of 'ada2'drive which standout form all the others, however bad blocks test is reporting zero errors.

Reading and comparing: done
Testing with pattern 0x55: done
Reading and comparing: 52.35% done, 34:16:03 elapsed. (0/0/0 errors)​

Another drive (ad1) in the test failed ten minutes into the test reporting the following and has since shut itself down after clicking/whirring away for a while.

12583104done, 7:47 elapsed. (0/47/0 errors)
12583105done, 7:54 elapsed. (0/48/0 errors)
12587392done, 8:16 elapsed. (0/49/0 errors)
12593792done, 8:44 elapsed. (0/50/0 errors)
12606528done, 9:34 elapsed. (0/51/0 errors)
12606529done, 9:41 elapsed. (0/52/0 errors)
12606530done, 9:48 elapsed. (0/53/0 errors)
12610816done, 10:09 elapsed. (0/54/0 errors)
12610817done, 10:16 elapsed. (0/55/0 errors)
12612992done, 10:30 elapsed. (0/56/0 errors)
12615104done, 10:45 elapsed. (0/57/0 errors)
0.32% done, 10:59 elapsed. (0/58/0 errors)​


Old Man
May 28, 2011
What does "smartctl -a /dev/ada2" result in? Please post the entire output. If you like you can wipe out the serial number, some folks like to do that but I personally could care less. As for the spikes in the graph, I don't want to read into it any because I have no idea what was being done on your system at the time. If you had a hard drive test going on for ada2 then that could have caused it.

Also, with respect to the testing you are doing, what exactly is that testing on the drives? Pretend I have no idea what you are doing and walk me through it so I could recreate the testing.

P.S. Thanks for posting your specs.


Aug 3, 2014
Instructions to replicate:
1) build new system, connect WD RED 4TB hard disks to X9SRL onboard SATA ports (I need to flash & install my 9211's yet)
2) boot from ultimate bootCD, run memtest+, 4 passes/24 hours clean.
3) install freenas
4) boot freenas
5) configure basic root/admin user access and log into SSH session
6) run smartctl -t short /dev/ada0 (in parallel ada1, ada2 & ada3, da0,da1,da2, da3) = ALL CLEAR
7) run smartctl -t conveyance /dev/ada0 (in parallel ada1, ada2 & ada3, da0,da1,da2, da3) = ALL CLEAR
8) run smartctl -t long /dev/ada0 (in parallel ada1, ada2 & ada3, da0,da1,da2, da3) = ALL CLEAR
9) run badblocks -ws /dev/ada0 (in parallel ada1, ada2 & ada3, da0,da1,da2, da3) = ERRORS

smartctl output of ada2 for looks like there is some DMA issues causing hiccups.....can you help me understand how to resolve?

[admin@freenas] /% sudo smartctl -a /dev/ada2
smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE-p10 amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Device Model: WDC WD40EFRX-68WT0N0
Serial Number: WD-WCC4ENZ18WVP
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 25fb99d2e
Firmware Version: 80.00A80
User Capacity: 4,000,787,030,016 bytes [4.00 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate: 5400 rpm
Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is: ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated)
SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Mon Sep 1 08:04:38 2014 BST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x00) Offline data collection activity
was never started.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: (52860) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 529) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 5) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x703d) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x002f 200 200 051 Pre-fail Always - 0
3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0027 100 253 021 Pre-fail Always - 0
4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 3
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x002e 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 65
10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 253 000 Old_age Always - 0
11 Calibration_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 253 000 Old_age Always - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 3
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 2
193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 5
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 123 111 000 Old_age Always - 29
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0030 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 0x0008 200 200 000 Old_age Offline - 0

SMART Error Log Version: 1
ATA Error Count: 32 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
CR = Command Register [HEX]
FR = Features Register [HEX]
SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]
DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
ER = Error register [HEX]
ST = Status register [HEX]
Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.

Error 32 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 60 hours (2 days + 12 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
10 51 02 0c 6e 04 4a Error: IDNF at LBA = 0x0a046e0c = 168062476

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
ca 00 02 0c 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:50.535 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0c 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:43.470 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:36.405 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:29.340 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:22.275 WRITE DMA

Error 31 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 60 hours (2 days + 12 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
10 51 02 0c 6e 04 4a Error: IDNF at LBA = 0x0a046e0c = 168062476

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
ca 00 02 0c 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:43.470 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:36.405 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:29.340 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:22.275 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:15.210 WRITE DMA

Error 30 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 60 hours (2 days + 12 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
10 51 02 0a 6e 04 4a Error: IDNF at LBA = 0x0a046e0a = 168062474

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:36.405 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:29.340 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:22.275 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:15.210 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:08.145 WRITE DMA

Error 29 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 60 hours (2 days + 12 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
10 51 02 0a 6e 04 4a Error: IDNF at LBA = 0x0a046e0a = 168062474

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:29.340 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:22.275 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:15.210 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:08.145 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 08 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:01.080 WRITE DMA

Error 28 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 60 hours (2 days + 12 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
10 51 02 0a 6e 04 4a Error: IDNF at LBA = 0x0a046e0a = 168062474

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:22.275 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:15.210 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 0a 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:08.145 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 08 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:57:01.080 WRITE DMA
ca 00 02 08 6e 04 4a 08 2d+12:56:54.015 WRITE DMA

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 10 -
# 2 Conveyance offline Completed without error 00% 0 -
# 3 Short offline Completed without error 00% 0 -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.​


Aug 3, 2014
whatever is the cause of the DMA errors is getting worse.....

Im seeing the following errors on the main system error log....

Sep 1 00:11:12 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 41 (DRDY ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:11:12 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 41 10 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:11:12 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Retrying command
Sep 1 00:11:19 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED. ACB: 61 80 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:11:19 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): CAM status: ATA Status Error
Sep 1 00:11:19 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 41 (DRDY ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:11:19 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 41 10 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:11:19 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
Sep 1 00:11:26 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): WRITE_DMA48. ACB: 35 00 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 02 00
Sep 1 00:11:26 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): CAM status: ATA Status Error
Sep 1 00:11:26 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 51 (DRDY SERV ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:11:26 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 51 10 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 02 00
Sep 1 00:11:26 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Retrying command
Sep 1 00:11:33 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): WRITE_DMA48. ACB: 35 00 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 02 00
Sep 1 00:11:33 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): CAM status: ATA Status Error
Sep 1 00:11:33 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 51 (DRDY SERV ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:11:33 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 51 10 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 02 00
Sep 1 00:11:33 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Retrying command
Sep 1 00:11:40 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): WRITE_DMA48. ACB: 35 00 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 02 00
Sep 1 00:11:40 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): CAM status: ATA Status Error
Sep 1 00:11:40 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 51 (DRDY SERV ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:11:40 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 51 10 00 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 02 00
Sep 1 00:11:40 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Retrying command
Sep 1 00:11:59 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED. ACB: 61 02 04 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:11:59 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): CAM status: ATA Status Error
Sep 1 00:11:59 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 41 (DRDY ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:11:59 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 41 10 04 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:11:59 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Retrying command
Sep 1 00:12:06 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): WRITE_FPDMA_QUEUED. ACB: 61 02 04 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:12:06 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): CAM status: ATA Status Error
Sep 1 00:12:06 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): ATA status: 41 (DRDY ERR), error: 10 (IDNF )
Sep 1 00:12:06 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): RES: 41 10 04 fb a9 40 c3 00 00 00 00
Sep 1 00:12:06 freenas kernel: (ada2:ahcich4:0:0:0): Retrying command​

this is an update on my system reporting page from disks showing other disks are starting to suffer too.....


thanks for any help.....


Aug 3, 2014
just checked my BIOS settings and it looks like there are two disk controllers on this board.
SATA is in AHCI mode (not RAID)
Theres another page dedicated to the SCU controller
"SCU RAID Option ROM/UEFI Driver" is Enabled so possibly this is another RAID I need to disable....will test and try......


Aug 3, 2014
another update.....
disabling the SCU RAID option didn't help at all....
my 8087 cables just arrives so I've flashed a 9211-8i to R16 and installed with the news cables I just received. Starting testing again now......

EDIT: 30 minutes in and zero errors on any drive so I suspect the original problem may be to do with the motherboard or SATA cables.....
Last edited:


Old Man
May 28, 2011
Prior to reading the entire thread I was thinking SATA cables were the most likely issue.


Aug 3, 2014
1hour 40 minutes in and not a single error on any drive with the 9211 & 8087 cables.
Previously all the SATA cables were new from Supermicro (either from the x9srl or the two Rangeleys Ive bought recently)

I have a suspicion as the performance degraded over time/48 hours it could be possibly related to thermals of the C602 (???, big chip near the SATA connectors) overheating. Typically of new builds, I've been running this in an open case and hence airflow is compromised due to not having a top cover on possibly reducing airflow across the passive heatsink and hence causing these errors....just a guess.
Once this pass completes I'll revert back to the SATA cables and see if I can reproduce and 'fix' in situ by applying a fan to the chip to bring its temp down.
Sharing my mistakes warts and all in the hope it might help someone else in future.
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