Jails and Plugin Confusion

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Mar 20, 2012
I have recently upgraded from 8.3.1 to 9.1.0 and today to 9.1.1. Am having a number of issues that am looking to fix.

In no particular order:
1. I cannot download (transmission) plugins via the gui plugins tab, reported error:
Sep 25 21:01:16 freenas manage.py: [middleware.exceptions:38] [MiddlewareError: Failed to download http://freenas.org/downloads/plugins//9/x64/transmission-2.77_1-amd64.pbi: ]

2. As a legacy from earlier installation (presumably) I have /mnt/NAS/jails directory that I am not able to delete rm -r jails returns 'device busy'. Directory appears empty.

3. A /mnt/NAS/jails_1 directory exists and looks like it includes the warden files. If I can delete it 2. above is it possible to rename this to jails?

4. Uploading the tramission package (transmission-2.77_1-amd64.pbi) in the gui plugins tab creates a jail called 'customplugin_1' which then puts my path length mount point destination beyond allowable limit. In earlier incarnations (the last being 9.1) this was called bit_1 which was ok, but 'bit' would be better; how can I change this?

Any help appreciated.


Mar 20, 2012
No - I am hoping now that v9.2 will fix - if that is not the case I will do a backup and re-install - pretty painful but I can's see any alternative in the absence of expert knowledge (which I don't have) to correct the issues.

A bug report was created on the back of this post (and a subsequent one focusing on item 4) - it has been assigned to someone for looking into but that was the last I heard on the matter.

I *think* the issue is very much related to the upgrade process from v8.3x to v9.1x, and that the original jail was manually created (following instructions on web) whereas now is done automatically; the 'residue' from the former that the latter cannot work around. Possibly peculiar to my setup - but again I remain ignorant without some degree of expert analysis.


Oct 31, 2013
I am not an expert, but i have finally got mine up and running well. I am not sure if this is possible or not, can you reset it to factory and start over?


Create a jail , create storage for the jail, then upload from the jail.... your pbi downloaded from appcafe.org/freenas


Mar 20, 2012
Thanks for the response - the factory reset is looking increasingly likely. The real issue is around the way freeNAS handles automatic jail / transmission plugin. I need to be able to purge existing remnants of this from earlier installs so that it stops trying to install to an unwieldly jail name. This information must be held somewhere (in GUI database) and is not being cleared when properly when deleted or upgraded to 9.1x

Regarding you instruction to create jail etc.. Can you provided a more step by step approach that I might follow?


Oct 31, 2013
Thanks for the response - the factory reset is looking increasingly likely. The real issue is around the way freeNAS handles automatic jail / transmission plugin. I need to be able to purge existing remnants of this from earlier installs so that it stops trying to install to an unwieldly jail name. This information must be held somewhere (in GUI database) and is not being cleared when properly when deleted or upgraded to 9.1x

Regarding you instruction to create jail etc.. Can you provided a more step by step approach that I might follow?

First I created a volume. Im my setup.....mnt/b. Then modified /mnt/b permissions to 777. I am just storing movies and tv shows so I could care less about security.

I created a cifs share and created a folder ....mnt/b/jail
(or create a folder using winSCP (ssh service will need to be enabled), very nice program in the windows world)

Modify the jail > configuration. Change the path to the mnt/b/jail. Also modify the ip range to something not in your network dhcp pool from your router. My DHCP is leases. S0 to .149. So I chose to

Go to Plugins......install plugin. I chose Plex Media server. While that is installing download other plugins from here http://www.appcafe.org/freenas.

Once Plex is installed I went back into Jails and now you will see the plex jail. Select it and then at the bottom, click upload plugin. That will install it in the Plex jail.

What is good about this that it uses the same ip for all the plugins but uses different ports for each. Example

Plex media use
Sabnzbd uses
Sickneard user

This worked for me. Hope this helps
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