Help scanning to a folder from copier

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Mar 31, 2015
Hi all,

I'm new to FreeNAS (built server before Christmas with 9.3). It is serving as a repository for my Veeam backup of our virtual machines. It has been working well and now I'm in the process of moving some of our files from the share in our SBS 2008 server (stored on a HP SAN) to the FreeNAS server. The trouble that I'm having is scanning a document from our Kyocera MFP (FS-3640MFP). I can scan to the CIFS share that I created but I can't go past that. For example: FreeNAS Server is the name of the share. Like I stated previously, the scans complete to this. If the path is FreeNAS Server\Network, I get error 1103 from the MFP that says: "The network path name is incorrect or you do not have access to the folder specified". I have given the "everyone" permission with full access. You can save, move, delete, and edit files to and from this location with all of the PCs that I have tried. I have tried to scan to just "network" without freenas server in front but that didn't work either. This works on our SBS 2008 share so it seems like something in the FreeNAS server or it needs a path or format that I'm not giving it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Feb 18, 2014
I had a similar experience with my HP scanner. For reasons not understood it worked when I used the IP of the scanner as the first part of the path instead of the name.
John N.


Mar 31, 2015
Well, I figured out what the trouble is and try to not think too badly of me. It turns out that it was because of case sensitivity. I guess I'm spoiled by Windows and when I was putting in the path in the one touch address location of the printer, I was entering all lower case letters. I normally capitalize the first letter of each folder when I make a new one (old habit). I looked into the volume in question in storage and clicked on edit options. There is a field called case sensitivity. I tried to change it from sensitive to insensitive and also mixed but even though it said that it saved the changes, when I went back into edit, it would be back to sensitive and it would change the share type from Windows to UNIX. I'm guessing that maybe that is an option for when you create a volume and that it can't be changed later. At any rate, I just have to remember to use the correct case whether I capitalize the folders when I'm entering the path into something that has to access the server or I start making all of the folders lower case.

Thanks for the help that was given and thanks for this forum.


Feb 18, 2014
Glad you worked it out. I looked at my note again and realized it was wrongly stated anyway - I used the IP of my server instead of the name, not that of the scanner.
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