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Feb 27, 2017
I have Freenas running on a Box my best friends wife gave too me, put a new Motherbaord in it and 16 GB ram and have yet to get any Storage Volumes for it. I am on Disability and money is tight. What I want to put in in it is 3 to 5 3 TB red WD drives. I Have Freenas running on a 360 GB Hard drive. This Box has room for Lots of hard drives, and for home use I will eventually have it full of 3 TB hard drives. when, I do not know.

About me, I have driven Tractor trailer from out of High School to Oct 2010, driven over 7.8 million miles, got married at 22 years of age, was divorced by the age of 32, have lived with at lewast 3 other women over the years. I have for the past 11 years spent time with Sandra. Just Us two in this house now, Kids have moved out.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2012
Miles? Are you an older Canadian who remembers the days when Canada wasn't on the metric system?

We plan to make our annual trek up to the Guelph area next weekend. Although I can switch my Garmin GPSr's to metric, my vehicle uses miles. For normal driving or hiking, I can approximate the distance in my head. In recent years, we've participated in a fun little car rally, that requires us to do things: turns, look for clues, etc. at certain distances, starting at zero on the trip odometer. With all the directions in KM's, we just follow the car in front of us and have fun.

Welcome to the forums!


Server Wrangler
Feb 15, 2014
Although I can switch my Garmin GPSr's to metric, my vehicle uses miles.
Doesn't it have proper units printed next to your rods and hogsheads? Every American market car I've seen had them - sure I've only seen a few, but they all did.
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