File version manager (PDM alternative)


May 23, 2019
Hi all!

I just wanted to start with saying that im new to this forum and to the whole NAS thing!

I recently designed a 12 drive NAS case that is intended to hold my project files. I design things for a living and have a lot of personal projects so i wanted a secure place to keep my files while still being able to access them from multiple different computers.

We use PDM at work to manage all the files and i think its great so i wanted to integrate it in my home NAS. PDM requires a windows server and costs a lot of money, and i dont want to pay that much money for a home file manager.

Is there a cheap or free way to manage your files/ file versions in FreeNAS?
I haven't been able to find anything and the plugins available dont seem to do what im looking for.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Build: FreeNAS-11.2-U4.1


Apr 17, 2018
To manage file versions from a FreeNAS server, you can create a jail and then install either
  • a Subversion server (Apache + mod_dav_svn + websvn)
  • GitLab (there is a FreeNAS plugin for this program)
  • Gitea

  • Subversion: it has an easy-to-use graphical client for Windows TortoiseSVN.
  • GitLab is a comprehensive software forge, but it requires hardware ressources and it is more difficult to setup
  • Gitea is easier to install than GitLab, and requires less ressource
If you like Solidworks PDM, you may prefer the Subversion option.
If you like GitHub, you may prefer GitLab or Gitea.