Desperate: Can't even run crashplan plugin

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Jan 15, 2014
Hi all. First of all, I really didn't want to have to create a post asking for help but it has been days trying to make this work and I think I'm going mad.
See, I have two freenas setups. Two different machines, but still, both in the same network, with pretty much the same configuration. Both of them run crashplan for backup purposes. The one I managed to configure was easy and has been running for months now, but the second one, I can't manage to make it work.
It's custom hardware (no dell, as the other one is, the one not giving me trouble). Needless to say, ecc ram, 16 Gb, server grade hardware and so on (i discussed this hw like a year ago, when I purchased the thing). Now, like a week ago or so, I decided to install crashplan so I can backup everything on the server to the cloud. So, i installed crashplan and managed to make it run. Headless, connecting from a remote computer, etc, etc,..... Until I restarted. Since the moment I restarted I haven't been able to connect to the thing ever again. So, after tweakign the .ui_info and my.config.xml files thousands of times I decided to start over: There must be something I touched that is not letting me make it work. I ended up deleting the crashplan jail. Then, deleted the jails volume alltogether. restart and install crashplan from the plugins section over again.
Now, I'm at the stage where I only get the error "Jul 26 20:19:21 Tank [freeadmin.navtree:625] An error occurred while unserializing from No JSON object could be decoded"

So I thought it was the moment to tweak the run.conf file,a s always, but this is what I found:

"root@crashplan_1:/usr/pbi/crashplan-amd64/share/crashplan/bin # cat run.conf
rovider -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xm
s20m -Xmx2048m -Dnetw
orkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cach
e.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false"
rovider -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanDesktop -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xm
s20m -Xmx512m -Dnetwo
rkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache
.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false""

Meaning the run.conf file is just fine. I can't get past here. I really need help. it has been many many hours reinstalling, checking the network config...etc....
THe machine has ipv6 disabled and I decided to let dchp handle the jail's address. but I really can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I mut say, i thought i was experienced enough with this, since i have been using crashplan for a while now. This is the third machine i manage, but there's something about jails that i still can't grasp.
Help please


Jan 15, 2014
UPDATE: I managed to make it run, I had to disable "Enable VDI" under jail settings.
Now I'm back to square one. I can't connect with a remote gui to the headless server.
The link under the crashplan plugin menu takes you to a page that shows how to connect via tunnel, but I can't seem to make it work. I know how to tunnel via ssh. I'm not sure why on this machine I can't connect and on the other one, I can...
I followed this post: But it keeps connecting to my localhost crashplan engine, instead of the remote one, the headless, even though the tunnel seems to be stablished (after entering user+password that i created on the jail, i see the tcsh console). With this method, Im not supposed to change anything on my.service.xml and/or anymore?


Jan 15, 2014
Yup. Had to disable vdi option on the jail.. don't know why but sometimes you disable osme options under the settings and they became active again on next startup.
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