Create Mount Point Which Already Contains Data (Access Nextcloud Backup within share)

Jul 26, 2021
Hi all,

I've been setting up Nextcloud to be an automatic photo backup from my phone and I've managed to get that working fine but I wanted to be able to browse the files directly in my share that I've set up. I figured I should be able to do this by setting a mount point to the backup folder within the Nextcloud jail and pointing it at the Photos Backup folder in the share but I get an error saying that the Destination Directory Must Be Empty. It isn't of course because it's got the backup in it that I want to be able to browse. Is it just a case of I should have set the mount point up first and then started the backup? Or is there another way to point where it's storing the data to a browsable location?

Thank you!


Oct 29, 2016
Is it just a case of I should have set the mount point up first and then started the backup?
yup. it sounds like you have put your data inside your jail. you do not want to this.
you want to use the jail UI to mount a storage place in your pool inside the jail.
/tank/nextcloud > nextcloudjailroot/nextcloud

(if this is scale then I have no idea. the general idea is the same but how you do it very different.)