webdav service 413 request entity too large


May 5, 2023
Hi everyone, first post here. I'm using Truenas Scale and the builtin Webdav service to upload backup files. Files up to 1000m will send okay but 1100m gives the 413 error.

I'm running TrueNAS Scale virtualized in Proxmox

I've tracked down /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, specifically the line:
'client_max_body_size 1000m;' under the 'http{}' block;

I've update that to a larger number 1500m, reloaded the config using '# nginx -s reload', and also tested restarting the server, but after testing the upload of multiple file sizes it seems to remain at 1000m.

I've also tested adding that line under the 'server {}' and 'location / {}' blocks in the same config file

I am hoping I'm tampering in the wrong spot and someone here can point me in the right direction. Thanks.


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