Size requirements when replacing 1 of 2 mirrored USB boot sticks

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Documentation Browser
Jan 12, 2015
Until recently I booted my NAS off of two 16GB "ADATA USB Flash Drive 1100" sticks. After repeatedly occurring errors on one of them I replaced the faulty one by a 16GB "SanDisk Ultra Fit 1.00" USB stick.

From /var/log/messages it is obvious that the SanDisk device is larger than the previously used ADATA ones:
da0: 14800MB (30310400 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 1886C) # ADATA USB Flash Drive 1100
da1: 15267MB (31266816 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 1946C) # SanDisk Ultra Fit 1.00
A 'gpart show' tells a similar story.

From what I read so far it might have been pure coincidence that this zfs replace worked without a hitch (because the new SanDisk devices are not smaller than the old ADATA ones). Is it true that a zfs replace in a mirrored pool only works if the size of the the new medium is larger or equal to the old one?

If so: Is there a best practice in FreeNAS to bypass this limitation for USB boot media to be able to use any 16GB (16GB being just an example) USB stick as a replacement for some other with same advertised-size (regardless of beeing a few kB/MB smaller)? Manually partitioning media for example?

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