Setting Jails to use trunked VLANS


Jun 25, 2019
So I have setup some trunked VLANs. It appears to be working properly as I can now access the GUI on both separate VLANS with my PC. However the problem occurs when I try to get my jails up and running. The way I set those VLANs up was with two interfaces named VLAN1 and VLAN5. Since VLAN5 conflicted with the ipv4 namespace of re0 I left re0's IP address blank.(I didnt know If I was supposed to do that, It just worked, this might be the cause of all my problems). All connectivity appears to work on the host end, but the jails refuse to work. I assign them to the VLAN5 interface and gave them their respective IP's. What then happens is that that interface can be pinged from my Desktop PC in VLAN5 but from inside the jail it refuses to even allow a ping outward. I suspect I am not actually pinging the jail just the alias of the VLAN5 interface setup by FreeNAS. A ping command within the jail reply's with ping:ssendsocket: Operation not permitted. And ifconfig reply's with:

vlan5: flags=8943<UP, BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
status: active
vlan: 5 vlanpcp: 3 parent interface re0
groups: vlan

I set the re0 interface to
have no ipaddr, and it is the parrent interface of vlan5 and vlan1. Is
that what is causing this issue?
The routing table of the jail is also only link#3 UHS lo0.
It does not have any default routes and refuses to let me add any
values to the table. The jails default router is set correctly.
I select the options of VNET or BerkelyPacketFilter with the same
interface (or even venet0,bridge0,tap0) it cannot be pinged. The only
way I can ping it successfully is by setting it to VLAN5 and nothing
else. Perhaps it would be better if I actually understood what VNET or
Berkeley Packet Filter actually does or if they need to use the vnet0
interface to work. The documentation does not explain it at all.

This is the routing tables of the host:
default R0-lan3 UGS vlan5 link#3 U vlan5 link#3 UHS lo0
localhost link#2 UH lo0 link#4 U vlan1 link#4 UHS lo0
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