Running maintenance manually for an offline server?

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Oct 7, 2012
Hey guys,

I hope this a generic enough question that I posted in the right place. Anyways, due to some personal reasons I'll be moving to a place where I can't have my FreeNAS box powered on 24/7. I plan on keeping my server and occasionally turn it on to transfer data to and from my other devices. I'm already backing up some of my critical data on my zpool as well & I'm currently running on version 9.1.1.

When I do power on my server, I'd like to do some maintenance manually. How do I go about making sure my zpool is in good shape and my drives are not failing? I know FreeNAS does some of this automatically but I'm unsure how to perform this (ZFS scrub, Smart Long Test, etc.) maintenance manually with FreeNAS showing me the result of the test.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
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