Recommended Configuration for 16x1TB Drive Setup & Hotspare Question

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Aug 27, 2011
I have a 16x1TB drive setup on 3ware controller (with all HW raid turned off). Am trying to determine best config and was considering:

- 3 x 5drive RAIDZ with 1 hot spare

This is for home use and everything would be backed up so I'm not as concerned about a dual drive failure.

In this config I added the hotspare while extending the volume the third (last) time; am curious if that hot spare would then be available to the entire volume (3 groups of 5 drives) or just the last 5 drive group added? I'm assuming the hot spare is available to the entire 15 drive volume, but haven't seen anything in the documentation.

Of course I just saw this: "Spare: will create a hot spare that is only used when another disk fails. Hot spares speed up healing in the face of hardware failures and are critical for high mean time to data loss (MTTDL) environments. One or two spares for a 40-disk pool is a commonly used configuration. Use this option with caution as there is a known bug in the current FreeBSD implementation. This will be fixed by zfsd which will be implemented once it is committed to FreeBSD."

Is this hotspare bug still an issue in Freenas 8.3p1?

Are there any other configurations that should be considered?

Any / all feedback appreciated.
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