Plex service not started and plex movie covers not showing


Nov 8, 2015
From time to time the Plex jail would not start, even after restart of the server, reinstallation of the jail, etc.
Also, on day the plex covers were not showing for a unknown reason.

After the install of Freenas 11, I could not get the plex server service to start. I decided to look into it. After a few tests and a lot of reading, I found a solution to solve both issues. That what I did:
  1. delete all the storage added to the plex jail, reinstall the plex plugin from the Freenas UI
  2. restart the server
  3. connect via ssh to the plex jail
  4. check the plex service status with this command: service plexmediaserver status. Instead of the status I got that answer: Cannot 'start' plexmediaserver. Set plexmediaserver_enable to YES in /etc/rc.conf or use 'onestart' instead of 'start'.
  5. add plexmediaserver_enable="YES" at the end of the file /etc/rc.conf and save
  6. launch the service with the command: service plexmediaserver start and check the status again. If it worked as expected, you should have the pid.
  7. restart the jail from the Freenas UI
  8. start the plugin from the Freenas UI in the Plugins > Installed page
  9. Go to the settings in the Plex Web UI : Settings -> Server -> Network -> Enabled Advanced -> "List of IP Address and networks that are allowed without auth" and add the following IP: to avoid any error with the plex scanner
  10. Add the storage in the Plex jail one by one and configure them from the Plex Web UI. Give it some time and the movies covers will be downloaded! :)
Hope that helps !

Sources where I found some information:


Sep 2, 2018
Hi @LudoB

Looks like I have the issue where the service is no longer running, Do you know the command to enter in order to modify the rc.conf file?