New GUI 'support' page and root password. 9.3-STABLE

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Apr 18, 2014
When I go to the 'Support' tab in the latest build of 9.3-STABLE, currently 201502271818, the 'Username' field is filled in with 'root' and the 'Password' field has dots in it. Above this is a message in red saying: "Incorrect Username or Password".

Is this page communicating with the 'bugs' server and trying out the username and password? And if it is, is it sending my root password or a hash of it? If so, this would seem to be a security risk.

Edit: I am not sure why these fields are pre-filled. 'Root' is likely to be the current user in the GUI, and if it is only a random or empty password that is sent the dots are misleading. 'Root' is quite unlikely to be the username for the web page, even with conventional capitalisation. There seems to be no way to save the relevant username and password except by submitting a bug, so a 'save username and password' button would be good; or just leave the fields blank until populated by the user?
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Jan 9, 2015
I wonder if it is the web browser auto-fulling the boxes in? Maybe try clearing the browser cache, refresh page and try again. Post back and let us know.
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Apr 18, 2014
I wonder if it is thw web browser auto-fulling the boxes in? Maybe try clearing the browser cache, refresh page and try again. Post back and let us know.

Got it in one! Thanks. However, the browser just fills the boxes in as though they were the main GUI login. So two tiny buglets remain:

1. the credential boxes on the support page look to Safari like the main login box - this might be hard to avoid in the general case;

2. when the credential boxes are filled in and you navigate to the next box in the form, and before one is ready to submit the bug report, the credentials are sent to the server and checked without one expecting it. It is this behaviour which interacts with the browser to send the auto-filled information to the web page.

So I don't really know how to avoid this happening except by disabling password saving for the FreeNAS GUI, which is what I shall have to do. Or never navigate to the support page!
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