SOLVED Move data from Debian Install on same machine

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Dec 13, 2015
Hi there,
I am currently setting up FreeNAS on a machine that has previously been running OpenMediaVault (Debian Linux).
For the system installation I used a new SSD, the old Debian system is still intact on the other SSD that is currently disconnected.

Currently the main data is inside a LUKS encrypted container on a madm configured RAID1, consisting of 2x3TB drives:

/dev/sda1 \
            --> /dev/md1 --> /dev/mapper/md1_crypt
/dev/sdb1 /

Additionally I have a backup, also inside a LUKS container on a third disk.

As I understand, the LUKS containers cannot be mounted in FreeNAS. Now the big Question is, how to best move the data over to FreeNAS?

I see mainly two options and would like to know what you think would be best.

Option 1:
- Lock away the backup disk in a safe place
- Boot up Debian
- Degrade the RAID by removing one disk from the md
- create a new (unencrypted) ext2 volume on the removed disk
- copy the data to the ext2 volume
- Boot up FreeNAS
- mount the ext2 volume
- create new ZFS volume on the other disk
- copy data to ZFS volume
- erase the ext2 disk and add it as a mirror to the ZFS volume
-> mission accomplished
The downsidse are that the data was on the drive unecrypted and might be retrievable this way and I am actually copying the 3TB around twice.

Option 2:
- Lock away the backup disk in a safe place
- Boot up FreeNAS
- Create a new ZFS volume on one of the two disks
- Connect the other disk to my ubuntu desktop
- mount the degraded Raid and open the LUKS container on ubuntu desktop
- copy the files via LAN
- add the second disk as a mirror to the ZFS volume
-> mission accomplished

Even though just doing one copy process on option two, I fear this might still be a lot slower. In the past, when copying files over my gigabit network to the Debian NAS, I only got around 30 MB/s, so copying my 3TB of data would take around a day (but maybe the transfer speed increases with FreeNAS?). Additionally I don't know how long the ZFS mirroring will take when I add the second disk.
I would love to get this done within one weekend.

What do you think is the best way to do it?


Slight change to option 1: instead of copying the data, import the ext2 disk using the instructions in Note that import requires you to first have a ZFS pool on the other disk, as well as a dataset to copy into. If that works, it should be faster than a network copy. Either way, backup anything you couldn't live without to an external media before degrading the existing RAID.


Dec 13, 2015
Thanks for the hint. That's actually a good function!

However I decided to go with option 2. That way the data stays encrypted all the time.


Apr 4, 2014
Thanks for the hint. That's actually a good function!

However I decided to go with option 2. That way the data stays encrypted all the time.
Option 3 (it requires some ZFS knowledge though):
  • start FreeNAS with the destination data disk
  • on the data disk create a ZFS pool (there are very specific commands to execute to be 100% compatible with FreeNAS); also the pool has to be of version 28 or you should follow instructions from on setting only those feature flags that work on both Debian and FreeNAS (you can - probably should - test portability using anything, even ZFS on a USB memory device beforehand).
  • export the pool on FreeNAS
  • shutdown FreeNAS, boot Debian
  • import your pool on Debian
  • copy data to ZFS pool
  • shutdown Debian, boot FreeNAS
  • look at the data in the ZFS pool, if they are OK, add the second disk from LUKS to create a mirror
  • please read about encryption in the FreeNAS manual and also
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