Issues installing Nextcloud 23


Jan 29, 2022
Hi All,

I dont seem to see this issue has been reported..

I use the excellent Danb35 scripted install of nextcloud. I wanted to go from 22 to 23 due to the apparent enhanced performance with file uploads. Nextcloud 22 was working fine using the said script when 22 was the latest, however backed up files so went for a fresh install.

Followed same process which passed fine before, however now I am greeted with the following in the post install script: -

An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set redis host --value="/var/run/redis/redis.sock" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set redis port --value=0 --type=integer failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set memcache.distributed --value="\OC\Memcache\Redis" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set memcache.locking --value="\OC\Memcache\Redis" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set overwritehost --value="" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set overwrite.cli.url --value="" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set overwriteprotocol --value="https" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set htaccess.RewriteBase --value="/" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:update:htaccess failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value="" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set trusted_domains 2 --value="" failed!
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)
Command: su -m www -c php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ background:cron failed!
OCP\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)

Understandably I am then greeted with the: -

"Access through untrusted domain Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the "trusted_domains" setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php. Further information how to configure this can be found in the documentation"

So I added the domain and Ip to the trusted domains in the config, just to see if this resolved, however it did not. I am then greeted with:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the webserver log."

Any help appreciated thanks


Feb 6, 2017
I have struggled with the same error. The internal server error for me was due to a missing comma or single quote when adding the url to the list. Make sure you double check the config file, as well as its owner and permissions.

Regarding the "Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache" error, this happenes to me too, I have not found THE solution yet. Everything points to the line in php.ini
but this is already set correctly.

The cronjob suffers from this error as well, but this I got going temporarily by adding the following argument to the command in cron:

--define apc.enable_cli=1

Still researching on this. Have you found a clean solution?
Jan 27, 2020
Why not ask this question in the original thread, maybe somebody can help you there?


Feb 6, 2017
The main thread is quite busy, questions easily get lost there, when after 2 days your questions is burried under 10 new posts. So I get the motivation to post it outside.

But I agree, when it's a problem including possibly a larger number of users, it should (also) be placed in the main thread.
Jan 27, 2020
The main thread is quite busy, questions easily get lost there, when after 2 days your questions is burried under 10 new posts. So I get the motivation to post it outside.

But I agree, when it's a problem including possibly a larger number of users, it should (also) be placed in the main thread.
I doubt that it's a problem including a larger number of users. I've done multiple installs with the script and never had this issue. Sometimes it's useful to just start over and install again. I'd check the config file and the setup again.