SOLVED How to change default storage location?

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Feb 18, 2014
Note: I'm sorry, but this is not a complete sollution yet (I don't see a possiility to change the label back to "question").
Hi folks,

I'm fine with linux, but pretty new to FreeNAS. Have been testing it for a while, and managed to set things up quite the way I want them. Now I just want to move everythign I've done so far to a set of new 2 mirrored WD red drives. The problem:

  • The test drive is known as "test" to ZFS manager
  • The production volume shoudl be called NAS or tank or such - naming it "test" is kind of misleading. :)
Re-mounting the storage used by jails is easy, but FreeNAS actually uses the absolute path for some functions. User accounts and /mnt/test/.samba4/ come to mind. What else?

I guess I can change the home directories for the users per hand (just 4 users), but I have no clue how the samba is finding the /mnt/test/.samba4/ directory. Aha, it seems I answered my question, it's in /etc/local/collectd.conf

grep -r "/mnt/test" /etc/ 

is my friend. :)

------------------ UPDATE ----------
I misunderstood the zfs datasets with directories. I'm not sure what they are, but they behave more like fileystems (i can't access my test machine now, but I believe they appear in the mount list) and symply rsyncing from pld disk to the new one will not reproduce the datasets.
Re-creating the datasets per hand may be an option, but it's a lot of work and I'm not sure if the .samba4 is a zfs dataset or just a directory.

In the meantime I've discovered this guide:

If the "shadow" migration works on FreeNAS, great. If not, the easiest way to do the migration could be:
  1. save the current configuration,
  2. re-install the system with new disks,
  3. import old volume
  4. rsync the data to new volume
  5. merge in the old configuration data (just changing the paths where needed)
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