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Sep 20, 2017
Hi all,

A quick introuction to my person:
45 years old, living in germany.
I am working for a big IT company as a Senior System Engineer working with Windows and macOS (including technology like SCCM, jamf Pro, ...)

At home I am using an older Dell T3500 as a server running Windows 2012R2 which is mainly a hyper-v, file- and mediaserver (using Plex Media Server). Inside VMs, I am also running my own AD for my home network. My clients more or less moved completly to macOS, so that I decided to rebuild my network (dropping AD, introducing a NAS, ...)

When I thought about a future solution for my network, I came to two possible solutions:
- Synology DS418j is a quite nice new NAS which I was able to get my hands on. Really nice and I was tempted to buy this device as new solution.
- FreeNAS offers the required functions and has the big advantage, that the hardware could be choosen as required. (The hardware of a synology is not bad, but it is of course limited compared to the Hardware which is possible with FreeNAS. Even my old Dell might have a better performance than such a Synology but this might be wrong.)

I decided to use FreeNAS. I did multiple tests on my Mac mini (with external case with multiple harddisks) which was all successful. (Just one minor problem that not all disks are shown inside the gui.)
At the moment, the data is synchronized between the servers and as soon as this is done, I will switch all my clients to the new FreeNAS solution.
When everything works with the Windows Server off, I will reinstall the Dell with FreeNAS, move the harddisks to the Dell and import the Volumes (and of course: Finish configuration afterwards).

That much about my IT background / plans.

But not everything is aboput IT: I am married, have a big dog and 4 cats. My biggest hobby is the voluntary fire brigade where I am also responsible for the youth work.

With kind regards,

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