FreeNas 9.10 ZFS pool won't import volume. panic: solaris assert

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May 7, 2016
But dont I have to present the data back to the ESXi host so that it can read the VMFS5 disk ?
I didn't think BSD understood VMFS5.
When I mount the Volume as a read only volume from the command line the GUI doesn't see the volume.
If the GUI doesn't see the volume I have not yet found a way to present the volume as ISCSI
I am under the assumption that I need to get the volume mounted by an OS that understands VMFS5 formats like ESXi so that I can then move the data off .

I went out yesterday and got myself a dual quad core server with 16gb of ram but I am not sure about migrating the drives to the new server.
Do I need to match up SATA port slots from one server to the other to migrate the drives ?

Robert Trevellyan

Pony Wrangler
May 16, 2014
Right, when you mount from the CLI the GUI doesn't know what you did.

You don't have to match the SATA ports when you move the drives to a different box, ZFS uses it's own method of drive identification.
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