data replication


Mar 21, 2016

I have periodic snapshots and data replication in place since a while, it works well and never had to mess with it but yesterday I noticed that I can write in the destination datasets; create files, edit, delete and I thought that's strange, since I remember that the documentation was explicitly stating that the dataset at destination are created in read-only mode.

From the documentation:

"The target dataset on the receiving system is automatically created in read-only mode to protect the data. To mount or browse the data on the receiving system, create a clone of the snapshot and use the clone. Clones are created in read/write mode, making it possible to browse or mount them. See Snapshots for more information on creating clones."

So any idea why my target datasets are read-write?
Also I can create a NFS share and point to a dataset/folder, this also should not be possible according to the statement in blue