Couchpotato error renaming files

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Aug 18, 2017
I've researched this and tried my best to set this up. So here it goes.

I have two Windows datasets configured: Plex and Transmission. The owner UID is mhunter 1001 and group GID is 1001 with full read/write access to these datasets. I have jails running Plex, Couchpotato, and Transmission. In each of the jails I added the group Admins with GID 1001, and added that specific user (e.g. plex, transmission, or media, etc...) into that group so it should give read/write access. Plex works, Transmission works, and Couchpotato works to the point that it automatically adds torrents into Transmission. After Transmission finishes downloading I'm getting errors with Couchpotato renaming.

Couchpotato error (with file/folder replaced with xxxx):
08-20 09:21:30 ERROR
[tato.core.plugins.renamer] Couldn't move file "/media/complete/xxxx.idx" to "/Plex/Movies/xxxx/xxxx.idx": Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/share/couchpotato/CouchPotatoServer/couchpotato/core/plugins/", line 854, in moveFile shutil.copy(old, dest) File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/lib/python2.7/", line 120, in copy copymode(src, dst) File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in copymode os.chmod(dst, mode) OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: "/Plex/Movies/xxxx/xxxx.idx"
08-20 09:21:30 ERROR
[tato.core.plugins.renamer] Failed renaming the file "xxxx.idx" : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/share/couchpotato/CouchPotatoServer/couchpotato/core/plugins/", line 627, in scan self.moveFile(src, dst, use_default = not is_torrent or self.fileIsAdded(src, group)) File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/share/couchpotato/CouchPotatoServer/couchpotato/core/plugins/", line 854, in moveFile shutil.copy(old, dest) File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/lib/python2.7/", line 120, in copy copymode(src, dst) File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/lib/python2.7/", line 91, in copymode os.chmod(dst, mode) OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: "/Plex/Movies/xxxx/xxxx.idx"
08-20 09:21:30 ERROR
[hpotato.core.plugins.base] Failed writing permission to file "/media/complete/xxxx/xxxx.failed_rename.ignore": Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/pbi/couchpotato-amd64/share/couchpotato/CouchPotatoServer/couchpotato/core/plugins/", line 113, in createFile os.chmod(path, Env.getPermission('file')) OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/media/complete/xxxx/xxxx.failed_rename.ignore'

Troubleshooting steps I've taken so far
-Verify the group with GID 1001 was created and that the user from each jail is a member of it
-In Transmission FreeNAS settings set download permissions to 777
-In Transmission settings.json file, verified umask was set to 0.
-In Transmissions settings.json made sure the temporary downloads were going to a folder called "incoming" then when they finished went to "complete". Couchpotato is set to scan only that folder. That way it doesn't pick up on in progress files.
-In Couchpotato set file permissions to 777

Here is some additional info taken from the Couchpotato jail
root@couchpotato_1:/ # ls -l media/complete
total 43
drwxrwxr-x+ 3 transmission  Admins  8 Aug 20 10:48 xxxx

root@couchpotato_1:/ # ls -l Plex
total 144
-rw-rw-rw-	1 root	 wheel	 0 Aug 18 09:16 .windows
drwxrwxr-x+ 209 mhunter  Admins  215 Aug 20 10:15 Movies
drwxrwxr-x+  71 mhunter  Admins   71 Aug 20 10:56 TV

root@couchpotato_1:/ # cat /etc/group
(lines omitted)

root@couchpotato_1:/ # cat /etc/passwd
(lines omitted)
media:*:8675309:8675309:User &:/home/media:/bin/sh

So I'm not sure why this isn't working. Is it because transmission is the user on the folder in the media/complete folder? I thought the way I have it setup will allow another user from Admins (1001) group to read/write? As you can see in desperation I added the transmission and mhunter users into the jail too with no effect.
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