Cant change UNIX dataset permission mode

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Aug 26, 2017
I recently hit something and now I can't change the unix mode on a couple of my pools back to how it was. I have a simple setup with a dataset that is shared to my network via smb. However, I clicked something in the permissions tab of a couple of my pools and now the others "write" mode can't be selected. If s select it, no matter what I do it stays unchecked after it "sucsessfully" changes the permissions. I can make a dataset in the same pool and I have no problems with it. I have tried every combination of share type and permissions without any luck. Is there an option somewhere that seems to lock permissions?

ESXI 6.7
Freenas 11.2
2X xeon 2670
Asus Z9PA-D8
128gb ddr3 ecc ram
norco 4224 chassis
intel X550-T2 NIC
Intel RES2SV240
LSI 9240-8i (flahed to 9211-8i it mode)
6 8TB WD white hdd's
6 10TB WD white hdd's
3 Samsung ssd's
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