AFP Users can't write to files created by other users

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Sep 16, 2017
I need some help with my permissions here is how i manage them

When i create new dataset(share) i also create group called just like that dataset then in permissions of that dataset i set group owner to this dataset group

Then when i want to give access to someone i just give them Auxiliary group that corresponds to that dataset

For example

Then i give group accees to some user

My problem is that when someone creates directory or file in that share everyone else can't modify it


Oct 27, 2015
AFP is being deprecated by Apple in the next release of macOS High Sierra, so you're better off switching to SMB.

From Apple's support doc:
If you upgrade a Mac that is sharing network home directories via AFP to macOS High Sierra, the AFP service will be disabled. You must update your network user share point URL to use SMB instead of AFP.

I created a video how-to a while back which may be of some assistance:


Nov 23, 2014
AFP is being deprecated by Apple in the next release of macOS High Sierra, so you're better off switching to SMB.
Sad. I always thought AFP was simpler to set up, and I've had no significant problem using it with FreeNAS for years. Thanks for the link to video, guess I'll have to . . .

Edit: actually reading that support document in more detail, it seems you can keep using AFP as long as you are not sharing directories from a Mac using the new APFS file system.

Also, I'm guessing changing an existent FreeNAS dataset set for AFP share type to Windows share type could cause a lot of problems?
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Nov 23, 2014
@gegtor , three things you might check if you're still using AFP (I plan to stick with it until it is not possible to access FreeNAS that way):
  1. In Storage > Volumes, click on the dataset. Then, at the bottom click on Edit Options (wrench icon). Make sure the Share Type is set to Mac.
  2. Close Edit Options and click on Change Permissions. Check your settings to make sure they are right (I think the image you showed above is right). Then put a check in the box for "Set permissions recursively", and click Change. If folders or files were created before you had the settings right, this should update them.
  3. In Sharing > Apple (AFP), click on the share for the dataset, then click Edit, then Advanced Mode. In Default file permission and Default directory permission, make sure that Read, Write, and Execute are checked under Group.
You might also double-check that both users are in the group assigned to the dataset.
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Sep 16, 2017
@gegtor , three things you might check if you're still using AFP (I plan to stick with it until it is not possible to access FreeNAS that way):
  1. In Storage > Volumes, click on the dataset. Then, at the bottom click on Edit Options (wrench icon). Make sure the Share Type is set to Mac.
  2. Close Edit Options and click on Change Permissions. Check your settings to make sure they are right (I think the image you showed above is right). Then put a check in the box for "Set permissions recursively", and click Change. If folders or files were created before you had the settings right, this should update them.
  3. In Sharing > Apple (AFP), click on the share for the dataset, then click Edit, then Advanced Mode. In Default file permission and Default directory permission, make sure that Read, Write, and Execute are checked under Group.
You might also double-check that both users are in the group assigned to the dataset.

Thank you soooo much :) i my case settings in Share settings were set wrong and gave only read access :)
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