12.0-U5.1 Cannot Successfuly Share Anything


Oct 14, 2021
This is my first attempt at TrueNAS.
1. I installed 12.0-U5.1.
2. I created a pool "drive1"
3. I created a new group "eewiz" with "permit sudo" and "samba authentication" checked.
4. I created a new user "eewiz" with primary group "eewiz" and aux group "builtin_administrators' with "permit sudo", "microsoft account" and "samba authentication" all checked. I also checked all nine "home directory permissions" checkboxes but the "group" and "other" write permissions did not stick. They are now unchecked and cannot be checked.
5. I created a generic dataset "genericset" of type generic with user "eewiz" and "apply user" checked, with group "eewiz" and "apply group" checked, with all nine permissions checked and "apply recursively" and "traverse" both checked.
6. I create a samba dataset "smbset"
7. I edited permissions for "smbset" leaving "user=root" and "group=wheel". The "everyone@", "user@", "group@" and "group=builtin_users" ACLs were present by default. I added two ACLs "user=eewiz" and "group=eewiz" with "allow, basic, full control, basic and inherit" settings and i checked "apply permissions recursively.
8. I replied to the "start SMB" and the "start NFS" prompts. Both services are running.
9. I shared "genericset" with "NFS sharing" with "all dirs" and "enabled" both checked.
10. I shared "smbset" with "SMB sharing" using name "smbshare", "SID=S-1-1-0", with "domain", "everyone", "FULL' and "ALLOWED" settings.
11. I go to my windows 10 machine where I am logged in as the same user "eewiz" with the same password as used on the truenas box.
12. I open Network there is a new machine "TRUENAS".
13. I double click truenas and am presented with "enter network credentials. I pick "more choices" and here are the user strings that I have tried.
eewiz, eewiz@truenas, eewiz@truenas.local, truenas\eewiz, truenas.local\eewiz truenas/eewiz, truenas.local/eewiz and all of the previous with truenas replaced with All of course with the correct password.
In all attempts the login fails with "the user name or password is incorrect."

Does anyone know how to test where the failure resides?

Thank You


Oct 14, 2021
I found the answer.
It's all about LAN Manager Authentication Level on the windows machines.
Run GPEdit.msc and go to Computer Configuration - Windows Settings - Security Settings - Local Policies - Security Options - Network Security; LAN Manager authentication level.
I could not connect to TrueNAS shares because my "LAN Manager authentication level" was set to "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated."
TrueNAS apparently does not negotiate.
I changed my "LAN Manager authentication level" to "Send NTLMv2 response only, Refuse LM & NTLM" and was immediately able to connect to and login to TrueNAS shares.
I found several of my windows boxes with their "LAN Manager authentication level" set to "Undefined".
The "Undefined" setting works for TrueNAS shares but, those "Undefined" boxes will no longer connect to any other windows box that has had its "LAN Manager authentication level" changed to "Send NTLMv2 response only, Refuse LM & NTLM".
So. I changed all of my windows boxes to "Send NTLMv2 response only, Refuse LM & NTLM" and now all windows boxes can connect to TrueNAS and each other.
As a side note, the "Undefined" setting for "LAN Manager authentication level" it NOT one of the selectable options so, if changed, the setting can not be returned to a value of "Undefined."
The result of having a setting of "Undefined" is explained in the "LAN Manager authentication level" dialog but, apparently you can't get there from here.

Thank You