zpool recovery from possibly formatting hard drives while installing Proxmox


Aug 17, 2016
Hello, I’m trying to see if there are any good ZFS recovery options out there for the home user. I have been running TrueNAS core at home since the FreeNAS days with no issues. I have two zpools, one mainly used for backups and the other for general use, both setup with RAIDZ1. I have been wanting to tinker with VM’s on TrueNAS but haven’t had much luck running Windows in Bhyve so I thought I would try Proxmox with KVM and TrueNAS as a VM with a PCIe pass-through for the HBA for the zpools. I exported both zpools while in baremetal TrueNAS before I begun. Instead of disconnecting the HBA with the zpools like I should have I left them connected when I installed Proxmox 7.0. I believe one of two things happened. Either Proxmox relabeled the IDs on my zpool hard drives or somehow I installed Proxmox in RAID 1 across two 256GB SSDs plus 12 spinning hard drives or something in between the two scenarios happened. I have ran zpool status and zpool list commands in the shell but the two zpools do not show up. When I list available hard drives to create a new zpool the hard drives in my damaged pools I would like to recover are listed as options to create a new zpool. To try and fix this problem I’m running TrueNAS on baremetal. I’m open to suggestions on if there is a way to retrieve the zpools or commands I can run in TrueNAS shell. Trying to explore all possible options I have only found software options of UFS Explorer, ReclaiMe Pro, and Klennet ZFS Recovery.


Apr 1, 2021
Go to shell and try first:

zpool import

That way all HDDs are scanned for pools. If possible you can than import the pools.
If nothing is listed a recovery is probably not possible.