VM wants to boot from installation disc


Jul 9, 2018
I have tried installing several Linux based VM's. At he end of the installation process on rebooting the VM's all seem to want to boot from the original installation disc. I have searched answers to this problem and the suggested solutions I have found are to use the "devices" screen and either (1) delete the virtual CD Drive or (2) change the device order so that the virtual disc drive is 1000 and the CD Drive is 1001 in order to give the virtual disc boot priority.
However when I try option 1 the machine will not boot and I get an error message about a missing CD Drive. When I try option 2 the VMs still boot from the installation disc. I have also tried deleting the installation .iso installation files too but this also causes an error.
I am a newbie with TrueNAS so may be missing something very basic - so any help would be appreciated.
Nov 2, 2023
I had something similar , it was a while ago now and this is what i think i did
Installed Ubuntu LTS of some version from an ISO located in one of the pools

Locate your virtual machine
expand the Virtual machine with the > on the right
select Devices ( you probably have CDROM 1000, DISK 1001, NIC 1002, VNC 1003 order may be different )
delete the CDROM as you don't need it any more
make sure the disk is the lowest remaining number in the order probably 1001 after you deleted cdrom

I also had to do this so it booted ithout a console connection
Styill while in devices
Select edit on the VNC ( 3 vertical dots on the right )
- uncheck "Delay VM boot until VNC connects"
this did not work for me and i eventually found a post that suggested deleting and re-adding VNC
so i had to do was delete the VNC device, and add it back , where I could uncheck "Delay VM boot until VNC connects"
( once the vm is booting you probably don't need the vnc device anyway )

if you ever need to expand the disk i found this post useful https://www.truenas.com/community/r...-a-linux-vms-llvm-virtual-disk-on-a-zvol.174/


Jul 9, 2018
Many thanks. It seems a bit hit and miss. Got Unbuntu server installed and MiniLinux but failed with Debian and MXLinux. Still got what needed.