v8.3.1 miniDLNA hint along with question

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Mar 2, 2013
I have made a slow migration from older versions of freeNAS to the most upto date one (v1.3.1) as we speak.
It's not been without issues - Had a range of issues mostly to do with faulty hdd's but the setup of jail have also been associated with some pain.
I initially following the plugin installation series posted on youtube starting with (www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4zIZX8pOas) - a good step by step guide but from personal experience not fully working
The permission settings for instance. I found that only setting the permission on the zfs Media dataset jail and plugins tend to run into permission issues when trying to access and write to the /usr/pbi path.
The only way I manage to get this to work properly was the set the permission to 777 within the /usr/pbi and sub folders.
Transmission is not able to save torrents and recovery points unless this permission is set to grant full access to all.
My CIFS have been configured for a set group and all my datasets have been given permission to this group - from a CIFS point of view this works perfectly.
From a jailPlugins and plugins such as miniDLNA, fireFly and Transmission this only worked in part until I changed the jls permissions on folders such as usr/pbi.
The tutorial suggest that I only need to set the permission on the user created folders such as /usr/Media, /usr/Music etc - this works to a degree but does not work for transmission and miniDLNA

Once set all my plugins works 100% (but once moved to 1.3.1 I still have an issue with miniDLNA - will come to that later though)

I have a clear separation between music, photos, videos - stored on separate drives.
When creating my shares this generally works fine with one exception - miniDLNA.
In the past I added aux params to miniDLNA pointing to various shares - this worked fine for 1.3.0 but since 1.3.0 suffered from some issues I recently decided to upgrade to 1.3.1. What I discovered with this version is that the aux params don't work - When trying to add aux params such as log directory and other shares miniDLNA throws an error (displayed at the top of the web gui but cant find anything in the logs. miniDLNA then rejects the change and reverts back to the old configuration.
I have now found a work around. Instead of relying on aux params I decided to create a global share.
jexec <n> tcsh followed by...
mkdir /usr/Global_media
mkdir /usr/Global_media/Photos
mkdir /usr/Global_media/Video
mkdir /usr/Global_media/Music

Then setup a new share for each of my media pointing to /usr/Global_media/<subfolder>
Then changed the owner and permission on the /usr/Global_media and subfolders i.e chown -R 1001:transmission /usr/Global_media
Followed by changing the permission to chmod -R 775 /usr/Global_media

Last step was to point miniDlna to the /usr/Global_media

This works - miniDlna will scan the top folder and all subfolders

One outstanding issue thought is that I seem to be unable to turn off miniDLNA - when I try this nothing happens - this behavior is the same pre/post the /usr/Global_media setup.
Even though this new release have a rescan interval option I would like to be able to shut it down if I choose to - the only way I can force a rescan with v1.3.1 is to shut down the Core plugin. When I do miniDLNA starts automatically.
No errors in logs - so I am scratching my head about this - is this a known bug or...?
Also wonder if the problem with aux parameters such as the ones described here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man5/minidlna.conf.5.html
now is unsupported or ....?

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