Used, Available, Size

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Jun 4, 2012
Hello All,

This is a question about the Used, Available and Size fields when viewing Active Volumes.

Is there documentation for these fields? I could not find anything about them.

In my configuration I have multiple ZFS Datasets configured under one volume.

No data is stored in the root volume so for the root volume the "Used" field shows 0%, "Available" shows the full size of the volume and "Size" also shows the full size of the volume.

For the ZFS Datasets the "Used" fields show various amounts of use but the "Available" field show the same amount as the root. Shouldn't "Available" be smaller considering that space is used?

For these ZFS Datasets the "Size" field is actually larger than the "Available" field. It appears to be the "Available" amount plus the "Used" amount. What value is that?

Lastly is there a way to see how much total space is either used or available at the volume level? Otherwise I have to add up all of the ZFS Datasets to find out how much is used/available.

In the attached image the top line is the root volume and the rest are ZFS Datasets

Thanks in advance.



  • Active Volumes.PNG
    Active Volumes.PNG
    8.1 KB · Views: 249


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
The numbers don't mean what you think they mean since datasets count as separate file systems. There's a ticket in to make it more like the "rest of the world". If you want to spend a few hours researching how the numbers work they *do* mean very specific things. But for the laymen they don't mean what you think they mean.
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