Typing in Jail Shell doesn't register


Oct 26, 2018
I've recently been in the process of setting up my first system running FreeNAS, so I suppose you could say I am a total beginner.
Though I've had some issues with FreeNAS that has been resolved thus far, this one occurred today, and I can't seem to figure it out or find any solutions online.

The issue I'm having is that typing in my Plex jail shell doesn't work. It seems like it doesn't want to register my keystrokes for some reason.
I've tried accessing it through four different browsers to see if that was the problem, though it didn't work.
I also tried accessing it whilst running an Ubuntu VM, however, it still did not work. I'm not sure if I'm just missing something incredibly obvious or what.

Whenever I type, the white stripe that blinks when idle stops blinking, meaning that it sees that I am typing, however, no letters show up.
Note: I haven't had this issue before today. It worked perfectly fine before.

The normal system shell works fine, it's just the jail shell.
I'm running FreeNAS-11.2-RC1

Any help would be very much appreciated :)

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Aug 7, 2016
Yeah, the "console" in the GUI is... lacking... Your better off using putty of some other ssh client to ssh into the server. Once connected, iocage console <jailname> will bring you to the jails shell. If your not 100% sure on the jails name (it is case sensitive) you can use iocage list to get a list along with there IP and running state. If needed you can you iocage start|stop|restart <jailname> to perform some basic start stop functions too.


Oct 26, 2018
Yeah, the "console" in the GUI is... lacking... Your better off using putty of some other ssh client to ssh into the server. Once connected, iocage console <jailname> will bring you to the jails shell. If your not 100% sure on the jails name (it is case sensitive) you can use iocage list to get a list along with there IP and running state. If needed you can you iocage start|stop|restart <jailname> to perform some basic start stop functions too.

I've downloaded Putty, however, the issue still persists.. Somehow.. iocage console plex doesn't seem to work, though if I try to enter another jail's shell, it works fine.



If you need it within the next 2 weeks (expected ETA for next update), you can reboot to an earlier boot env (if you have one) or install BETA3 into its own boot environment.