Thank you iXsystems + FreeNAS

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Yusuf Limalia

Apr 5, 2016
Some of you may / may not know, iXsystems + FreeNAS had a little Build-off competition in the last few months where they were giving away a FreeNAS mini.
Fortunately I was chosen as one of the finalists, but didn't win the raffle in the end.

iXsystems and FreeNAS did send across some swag to wipe my tears with, which was very kind of them :)

I just think it's very cool that they look after the community like this. Kudos and Thanks to everyone @ iXsystems and FreeNAS



Apr 21, 2014
It's really good to hear these kinds of stories. I've used FreeNAS since before iXsystems took over the project, and I've been very happy with their stewardship. Even through the Corral fiasco, I think iXsystems has done a pretty good job of being engaged with the community (though my perspective on that might be different, since I never upgraded to Corral and trapped my systems in that branch). Seeing paid employees engaging constructively on these forums shows to me that iXsystems is serious about supporting all their users, paid or otherwise.

Yusuf Limalia

Apr 5, 2016
It's really good to hear these kinds of stories. I've used FreeNAS since before iXsystems took over the project, and I've been very happy with their stewardship. Even through the Corral fiasco, I think iXsystems has done a pretty good job of being engaged with the community (though my perspective on that might be different, since I never upgraded to Corral and trapped my systems in that branch). Seeing paid employees engaging constructively on these forums shows to me that iXsystems is serious about supporting all their users, paid or otherwise.

Man they’ve done really well to pull through the Corral fiasco. It happens to many companies and I’m glad they’ve handled it really well.

I was one of the people that upgraded or downgraded however you wanna look at it to Corral and to be honest I loved it. It may have been the necessary evil in getting 11.1 where it is today so quickly.

You’ve made a good point about iXsystem staff getting involved with the community regardless of their level of involvement financially, which I also think is a mark of a great company.

Keep it up guys.

Chris Moore

Hall of Famer
May 2, 2015
I just think it's very cool that they look after the community like this. Kudos and Thanks to everyone @ iXsystems and FreeNAS
Nice. I wish I had been able to participate, but I wasn't doing a build at the time. Did you upload photos or something?
though my perspective on that might be different, since I never upgraded to Corral and trapped my systems in that branch
I had only setup a test system, but I was just hours away from making that move when I found out they had discontinued production on corral.

Yusuf Limalia

Apr 5, 2016
Nice. I wish I had been able to participate, but I wasn't doing a build at the time. Did you upload photos or something?

I had only setup a test system, but I was just hours away from making that move when I found out they had discontinued production on corral.

Yeah you had to upload pics of your build, give the specs and use case. They then picked builds which somewhat stood out. Ah I see why BuildOff may sound misleading. It was pics of your current build, not necessarily a new one that’s being built.

Glad you didnt make the move!
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