SOLVED System thinks current time is UTC, should be Pacific/Honolulu

Darren David

Feb 27, 2014
I'm on TrueNAS-SCALE- struggling to solve a timezone/time mismatch, and it seems that I'm not the first. I've followed the instructions in this thread, but now I'm in an even more convoluted state. Essentially, the system reports the correct current time and timezone as UTC, when it should be Pacific/Honolulu. Here's what I've configured (all times at the time of writing this post, locally in Pacific/Honolulu it's currently Mon Sep 11, 10:25 and Etc/UTC is Mon Sep 11, 20:25)
  • BIOS
    • Timezone is set to Etc/UTC
    • Clock correctly reports the time in UTC as Monday, Sept 11 20:25.
  • TrueNAS UI
    • System Settings > General > Localization
      • Timezone is set to Pacific/Honolulu
      • On the localization panel in the UI, "Time Format:" displays the current correct local time as 10:25
    • Dashboard
      • "System Information" pane incorrectly displays time in readout "Uptime: 1 day, as of 00:25" (-10 hours, which is the Pacific/Honolulu offset)
  • TrueNAS CLI
    • "timedatectl" incorrectly reports "Universal time" as the current local time, and "Local Time" as offset by -10 hours:
      $ timedatectl
                     Local time: Mon 2023-09-11 00:25:28 HST (**NOTE: This should be 10:25**)
      Universal time: Mon 2023-09-11 10:25:28 UTC (**NOTE: This should be 20:25**)
                       RTC time: Mon 2023-09-11 10:25:27
                      Time zone: Pacific/Honolulu (HST, -1000)
      System clock synchronized: no
                    NTP service: n/a
                RTC in local TZ: no
    • "/etc/timezone" contains "Etc/UTC"

I should mention that this system was a recent clean install, and I restored from my TrueNAS Core-13.1-U5 config file, which was correctly set to Pacific/Honolulu and displayed the correct time.

Not quite sure how to fix this, it seems there are hidden offsets affecting other offsets, and it's throwing off Apps which are time sensitive (Resilio Sync, Plex, etc.)
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Darren David

Feb 27, 2014
This fix was in this post with the instructions from @samarium. Once your BIOS is set to UTC and BIOS has the correct time, set the proper timezone in the UI and then:

sudo bash
systemctl stop ntp
ntpd -g -q
systemctl start ntp
hwclock --systohc