SOLVED Replication failing after boot drive upgrade


Nov 30, 2012
Greeting all.

I recently upgraded my system to from 9.2 to 11.2-U8 (build report forthcoming, once all is working). I poured through the posts, planned out my hardware and software upgrades, and executed. At this point all of the hardware and software is upgraded. All went very well until I got to the step where I upgrade my boot device from USB stick to mirrored SSDs. With the USB stick, I successfully created a replication task to my local (same machine, using "localhost") backup drive. I then replaced the USB stick with the SSD drives and uploaded my saved configuration. That's when the replication task began to fail with "Replication storage_rz2 -> localhost:backup failed: Failed: root@localhost: Permission denied (publickey,password)."

I followed the troubleshooting guide in the FreeNAS manual and "failed" the SSH test, as a password was requested. I then scoured the forums and found several posts stating the same problem. With the posts' guidance, I found that the "authorized_keys" file was missing from /root/.ssh, so I copied it over from the USB stick. Replication task this morning and failed with the same publicly,password error. I checked /var/log/auth.log and found the following repeated entry "Connection closed by authenticating user root port 53803 [preauth]".

I'll continue to look for solutions, but any help and guidance that you can provide will be greatly appreciated.


Nov 30, 2012
Ok, so I can’t find any new actionable information. Furthermore it seems that my copying of authorized_keys, even if it worked, will not persist as it was not created via the GUI.

So, looks like I may need to delete the replication task and create a new task. If so, is there a downside, e.g., will all of my data need to be copied to my backup drive again? Will data being on the backup drive present a problem for the new replication task? Any other potential issues?


Nov 30, 2012
Creating a new replication task (obviously) worked. I then deleted the problematic replication task. Was this a workaround or the only solution? I don't know; any insight is greatly appreciated.