Random Jail Issues

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Chris Dill

Jan 1, 2014
I am running FreeNAS-9.10.1-U4 (ec9a7d3), updated this past weekend. Even since then, I am having trouble with my plugins. I run:
  • Plex
  • Transmission
  • CouchPotato
  • SickBeard
  • SABnzbd
I have a middle-high specced system, which I pulled from the recommended hardware post. Have been running stable on this box for a year, on FreeNAS in general for 4 years.

I get all sorts of random plugin nonsense. Sometimes plugins will stop by themselves. Sometimes they will not start unless I reboot the jail or the FreeNAS box.

Most of the time when I load the FreeNAS UI, I get a treemenu error and one of the plugins doesnt show up, or shows up as duplicate: http://prntscr.com/da3sfw

The way I fix this is: turn off all plugins and reboot, then reboot, and repeat until all plugins show up. Then I enable them all, and one fails. That one, I reboot the jail, then enable. This frankenstien process works well, except that it doesnt and if anything needs to be adjusted with plugins, I need to reboot everything.

I have removed and reinstalled all jails multiple times. What can I do to figure out what is going on?


Not strong, but bad
Sep 12, 2014
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