Problems with SSH login using keys with winSCP (SOLVED)


Oct 25, 2011
I keep getting "server refused key" in winSCP. I've read several guides and it doesn't seem like it's that difficult so I'm probably missing something minor. I've spent several hours working on it and have done the required googling to warrant bringing it to forums.

Everything I describe in this post was done on a local private subnet that contained winSCP laptop and freenas server.

I have SSH on, standard port, TCP forwarding enabled. The user for now has CSH as his login shell. I'll make this SCP only once I get this working. I have tried this with SCP only with the same results.

I used puTTYgen in winSCP to generate a public/private key pair. In the public key window in puTTygen I copied the contents, went into freenas to my user account info and in the public key window pasted in the contents. Went into shell into the users .ssh folder and verified the key was copied correctly. Restarted SSH service.

I used RSA with 2048 in puTTygen when making the key.

In winSCP I click new session, select SCP for protocol, put in freenas IP, port is default 22, put in the username, leave password blank, click advanced, advanced, select key file, click ok, then login. Looking at the winSCP log files it looks like winSCP and freenas are communicating but I keep getting "server refused key".

I gotta be missing something basic or small. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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