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Oct 25, 2014
Hello, new Freenas user here..
I had my system up and running with zpool created with 3 disks.
I had a bunch of files on these 3 disks.

I took the drives out in the hopes of transferring data from them to another windows computer.
Of course, those drives were not recognized by Windows and I moved them back into the Freenas computer (using an HP Microserver with 4 bays), but didn't remember each drive's exact bay before I removed them and I am guessing that's the problem now.
I can see all 3 drives in Freenas, but it is unable to recreate the pool.

setup is:
freenas 9.2 running on a HP Proliant Microserver
3 SATA disks, Freenas is on a USB stick mounted inside the usb port on the mobo.

This is the current pool status:

[root@freenas] ~# zpool status
no pools available

[root@freenas] ~# glabel status
Name Status Components
gptid/c7bf14c0-e2cf-11e3-b14b-e4115b12c04e N/A ada0p2
gptid/c8399ab4-e2cf-11e3-b14b-e4115b12c04e N/A ada1p2
gptid/289db6bc-02c9-11e4-a529-e4115b12c04e N/A ada2p1
ufs/FreeNASs3 N/A da0s3
ufs/FreeNASs4 N/A da0s4
ufs/FreeNASs1a N/A da0s1a

ZPOOL import:
[root@freenas] ~# zpool import
pool: v1
id: 11296767627255061693
state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
devices and try again.
see: http://illumos.org/msg/ZFS-8000-6X

v1 UNAVAIL missing device
mirror-0 ONLINE
gptid/c7bf14c0-e2cf-11e3-b14b-e4115b12c04e ONLINE
gptid/c8399ab4-e2cf-11e3-b14b-e4115b12c04e ONLINE
gptid/289db6bc-02c9-11e4-a529-e4115b12c04e ONLINE

Additional devices are known to be part of this pool, though their
exact configuration cannot be determined.

Partition info:
[root@freenas] ~# gpart show
=> 34 5860533101 ada0 GPT (2.7T)
34 94 - free - (47k)
128 4194304 1 freebsd-swap (2.0G)
4194432 5856338696 2 freebsd-zfs (2.7T)
5860533128 7 - free - (3.5k)

=> 34 5860533101 ada1 GPT (2.7T)
34 94 - free - (47k)
128 4194304 1 freebsd-swap (2.0G)
4194432 5856338696 2 freebsd-zfs (2.7T)
5860533128 7 - free - (3.5k)

=> 34 3907029101 ada2 GPT (1.8T)
34 4194398 - free - (2.0G)
4194432 3902834703 1 freebsd-zfs (1.8T)

=> 63 15646657 da0 MBR (7.5G)
63 1930257 1 freebsd [active] (942M)
1930320 63 - free - (31k)
1930383 1930257 2 freebsd (942M)
3860640 3024 3 freebsd (1.5M)
3863664 41328 4 freebsd (20M)
3904992 11741728 - free - (5.6G)

=> 0 1930257 da0s1 BSD (942M)
0 16 - free - (8.0k)
16 1930241 1 !0 (942M)

Can someone help me fix this issue? I don't want to lose the data on these drives.
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