Plex can't see mounted folders as libraries

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Dec 8, 2013
I've installed plex via the plugins menu from the FN 9.1.1 GUI. It starts, it runs, lets me sign in, add channels, see my other plex server instances, etc.

It does NOT however, see my media.

My FN is setup as follows:
1) \mnt\Media is a ZFS Datastore that contains the following relevant folders:
\TV Shows
\jails (my main jails directory)

2) \mnt\utility (ZFS datastore that contains the following relevant folders:
\Kids Movies
\Kids TVShows
\Christmas Movies

I have created ZFS mountpoints in the plex_1 jail that link to the correct folders (that are working over CIFS for windows just fine) (see attached fn_mounts.png)

and in the jails config, I have added storage that points to the directories (I believe correctly) (see attached fn_jails.png)

If I open the shell and browse to the mounted folders from within the jails\plex_1 folder they are empty.

If I open the shell and browse to the ZFS mounted datastores, they are populated as expected with my files.

I would think this is a permissions issue, but I've got it setup for nobody:nobody and allowed guest access. rebooted my NAS, re-audited the recursive permissions, verified that I can get to the original mounted datastores over AFP,CIFS, NFS, FTP.

Not sure what else it could be. VERY new to FreeNAS


  • fn_mounts.png
    366.5 KB · Views: 494
  • fn_jails.png
    291 KB · Views: 506
Dec 8, 2013
so I've done some more digging, and it appears that when I make a zfs mount, that it's just not seeing what inside of it. It's happening on ALL of the plugins I've setup (transmission, htpc manager, pms) so it's clearly something I'm doing wrong. Everything else about this works swimmingly, and I'd even just SMB mount everything but it appears that this version of PMS doesn't support SMB....Anyone? I've upgraded to 9.2 RC to see if that made a difference, it did not.
Dec 8, 2013
fixed it. Not sure why, but I removed it entirely, recreated all of the shares, mounts, etc and it worked!
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