PANIC: stopped at kbd_enter+0x3b: movq $0,0x74cfa2(%rip) - Error?! System halts

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Aug 16, 2012
I have a HP Microserver 1.5AMD Turion 64bit with 4GB DDR3

FreeNAS was running in VMWare for over a year and got an identical machine so decided to move it out of the VMWare.

Dowanloaded latest freenas

burnt the IMG to a 2GB Kingston USB drive.

It boots of the USB drive that is sat on the MotherBoard USB connector inside the box. It can be emualted as FDD/Hard Drive or CD-ROM but bios is set to AUTO.

It boots ok and gets an IP. The system is headless so I connected keybaord and screen to check the output. Went into shell and pinged the other server. It is all ok so exited, removed keyboard.

As soon as i put the FreeNAS IP in there was an exception message and no images loaded. The layout loaded OK- But after that FreeNAS just did not respond anymore.

I checked the screen and got the dump. Looks like it unmounted the Kingston and then just crashed on top of it self for some reason?
I can restart the system and it will get to the menu again but as soon as i go to the webpage it crashesd all over again. So I cannot even configure anything or import settings or nothing. :(

Please look at screenshot. After uhid0 disconencted (keybaord unplugged) i looked at the screen for a minute and nothing happened. It only unmounted the drive as soon as i navigate to the website.


and the falsh drive inside the box.


Are there any recomeneded falsh drives to use. i though Kingston is good - possibly flash drive faulty? I been using it over a year with no data loss for various copying but dedicated it now for FreeNAS only.


Apr 22, 2012
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